ImFusion SDK 3.12
ImFusion Namespace Reference

Namespace of the ImFusion SDK. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace of the ImFusion SDK.


namespace  AlgorithmUtils
 Collection of convenience functions to work with ImFusion Algorithms.
namespace  Animations
 Animating objects within the ImFusion SDK.
namespace  Assert
 Assertion library.
namespace  Compression
 Data compression tools
namespace  ConnectivityAnalysis
 Set of functions for efficient connectivity analysis.
namespace  Container
 Collection of utility functions operating on STL containers.
namespace  CpuFFT
 Fast Fourier Transform on the CPU.
namespace  Cryptography
 Cryptographic tools.
namespace  CT
 X-ray and computed tomography.
namespace  DateTime
 Utility methods and classes related to date and time representation, including time zones.
namespace  Dicom
 Low-level and intermediate-level interfaces for working with DICOM data.
namespace  Encoding
 Functions for encoding and decoding of binary and text data.
namespace  Filesystem
 Classes and functions to manipulate files and directories, and the paths that identify them.
namespace  Filters
 Set of functions for efficient filtering on CPU.
namespace  Framework
 Namespace containing general framework initialization methods.
namespace  Geometry
 Classes to represent geometric primitives like lines or polygons, as well as functions dealing exclusively with such objects.
namespace  GeometryLegacy
 Deprecated Geometry interface only provided for backward-compatibility.
namespace  GL
 Low-level OpenGL Wrappers.
namespace  GlUtils
 Utility functions for working with OpenGL and/or GlImages.
namespace  Hashing
 Tools and functions to compute non-cryptographics hashes, for instance to use them in std::unordered_map.
namespace  ImageMath
 Arithmetic operations on images and arrays.
namespace  ImageProcessing
 Low-level algorithms for image processing.
namespace  ImageUtils
 Collection of convenience functions to work with images.
namespace  LabelNameMatching
 Functions for matching labelnames.
namespace  LicenseManagerSDK
 LicenseManagerSDK provide an interface to our license system for SDK users.
namespace  Literals
 Custom literals for classes of the ImFusion SDK.
namespace  Log
 Logging framework.
namespace  MarchingCubes
 Marching Cubes implementation to extract a isosurface mesh from a volume.
namespace  MeshIO
 Mesh input/output to standard mesh formats.
namespace  MeshProcessing
 Collection of algorithms for post-processing meshes.
namespace  MetaImage
 Support for loading and saving MetaImage files.
namespace  ML
 Training and inference of machine learning models for medical images.
namespace  OpenCV
 Conversion between ImFusion and OpenCV image containers.
namespace  Platform
 Selection of platform-specific functions.
namespace  Pose
 Conversion of pose matrices.
namespace  PoseIO
 Input and output of pose matrices and affine parameters.
namespace  ProjectiveGeometry
 Collection of functions dealing with projective geometry.
namespace  PropertiesIO
 Writing and reading Properties instances to/from structured file formats.
namespace  QtHelpers
 Some Qt convenience functions.
namespace  Random
 Random number generation with convenience functions
namespace  Resource
 ImFusion Resource System to store binary data in the executable/library and retrieve it at runtime.
namespace  Seg
 Namespace of the ImFusionSeg Module plugin.
namespace  SettingsMigration
 Helper functions for migrating settings.
namespace  String
 Collection of utility functions to work on or with strings.
namespace  TestUtils
 Utility functions for test framework.
namespace  Threading
 Utility classes for multi-threading.
namespace  US
 Namespace of the ImFusionUS and ImFusionLiveUS plugins.
namespace  Utils
 Collection of utility methods not associated with any class.


class  AbstractFactory
class  AbstractImageRegistration
 The AbstractImageRegistration class is an interface for all image-based registrations. More...
struct  AccessToken
 Represents an access token for the Labels server API. More...
class  ActiveEnvironmentControl
 A QComboBox with additional add and remove button to change the entries. More...
class  AdjusterWidgetBase
 Base class for widgets providing two ways of adjusting numeric values. More...
class  AffineRescaledParameterOptimization
 Decorator that subtracts shift, then multiplies by scale to every value before it is passed to the optimizer. More...
class  Algorithm
 Interface for describing algorithms that can be made available in the ImFusion Suite through AlgorithmFactory. More...
class  AlgorithmBrowserDialog
 Qt dialog showing a list of compatible Algorithms and enables the user to navigate and execute them. More...
class  AlgorithmController
 Specialization of the Controller interface to be used with Algorithm instances. More...
class  AlgorithmControllerFactory
 Interface for algorithm controller factories. More...
class  AlgorithmExecutorStream
 Image stream helper class used as output of the StreamAlgorithmExecutor class. More...
class  AlgorithmFactory
 Interface for algorithm factories. More...
class  AnalyzeMotion
 Analyzes successive 2D images for various motion parameters. More...
class  AnatomicalStructure
 Interface for storing information (points, meshes, images, ...) about anatomical structures. More...
class  AnatomicalStructureCollection
 Interface for managing collections of anatomical structures For a concrete implementation of this class, see GenericASC. More...
class  AnatomicalStructureDeformation
 Deformation of a single AnatomicalStructure object. More...
class  AnatomicalStructureFactory
class  AnatomicalStructureInvalidException
 Exception thrown when an anatomical structure is invalid Thrown by python bindings. More...
struct  AnatomicalStructurePointwiseDeformation
 Class for representing nonlinear transformations on a set of points e.g. More...
class  AnatomicalStructureRegistration
 Interface for registering AnatomicalStructure objects to each other. More...
class  AnatomicalStructureVisualiser
 Helper class for visualizing data contained in the AnatomicalStructure class. More...
class  AnatomicalStructureVisualiserBase
class  AnatomicalStructureWrapper
 Wrapper for anatomical structures that becomes invalid when the wrapped structure is deleted. More...
class  Anatomy
 Class representing a single anatomy code ID from the SNOMED CT database. More...
class  AnatomyAlgorithm
 Edits the list of anatomies of an image (AnatomyDataComponent) More...
class  AnatomyController
 Controller for AnatomyAlgorithm. More...
class  AnatomyDataComponent
 A data component storing information about anatomy contained in medical images or other data. More...
class  AnnotationAction
struct  AnnotationActionSharedState
class  AnnotationModel
 Container class for annotations Each annotation is always related to exactly one dataset. More...
class  AnnotationOnlyView
class  AnnotationOutputInterface
 Interface for passing annotations from an algorithm to the DefaultAlgorithmController. More...
class  AnnotationPanel
class  AnnotationPoseLink
 Links the pose and deformation of a point-based annotation to a dataset. More...
class  AnnotationView
class  AnnotationWidget
 Qt User interface for editing annotations managed by AnnotationModel. More...
class  ApplicationController
 The basic ApplicationController provides essential interfaces of the SDK but no graphical user interface. More...
class  ApplyASCDeformation
 Algorithm for converting an ASCDeformation into a (dense) deformation field. More...
class  ApplyMaskAlgorithm
 Algorithm for applying a mask and a cropping to an image. More...
class  ApplyRegistration
 Class that allows to apply registration results on algorithm input data. More...
class  ApplyWindowLevelAlgorithm
 Clamps (in-place) the image values to the range [level-window/2; level+window/2]. More...
class  ASCAlgorithm
class  ASCAlgorithmController
class  ASCDataDisplayHandler
 Template class that creates an ASCDataDisplayHandlerBase for a specific ASCVisualiser/AnatomicalStructureCollection pair. More...
class  ASCDataDisplayHandlerBase
 Display handler that configures the visual representation of an AnatomicalStructureCollection element. More...
class  ASCDeformation
 Class for representing "deformations" over an AnatomicalStructureCollection. More...
class  ASCDisplayOptions
 DataComponent to store AnatomicalStructureCollection-specific rendering options for 3D views. More...
class  AsciiProgress
 Displays a basic progress bar with ASCII characters on the console window. More...
class  ASCProjectionAlgorithm
class  ASCProjectionController
class  ASCRegistration
 Registration between two AnatomicalStructureCollections. More...
class  ASCSet
 Class storing a vector of AnatomicalStructureCollection objects. More...
class  ASCSetDisplayOptions
class  ASCVisualiser
class  ASImageBasedRefine
class  AssignMeshTextureAlgorithm
 Copies a RGB 2D image to use as texture for a mesh. More...
class  AttachDenseDeformationAlgorithm
 Attaches a displacement field as a GlDenseDeformation. More...
class  AutomaticMatchPruner
 Selects between FundamentalMatrixMatchPruner and HomographyMatchPruner based on a score computed via HomographyAndFundamentalMatrixDecomposition. More...
class  AutoStretchImage
class  AverageImagesAlgorithm
 Algorithm to average multiple images. More...
class  BackgroundExporter
 Writing data files into disk in a background thread. More...
class  BackgroundFrameExporter
 Writes frame data to the disk in a background thread. More...
class  BackgroundThreadConsumer
 Interface for BackgroundThreadQueue holders to implement. More...
class  BackgroundThreadQueue
 Queue for thread-safe asynchronous management of some payload data as needed in most streaming classes. More...
class  BackgroundVideoFileRecorder
class  BakeDeformationAlgorithm
 Algorithm for baking in an image deformation while adjusting the size to encompass the full deformation. More...
class  BakeDeformationCPU
 Bakes in a deformation applied to an image using the CPU. More...
class  BakeMeshDeformationAlgorithm
 Bakes an image's deformation into a mesh or point cloud. More...
class  BakeTransformationAlgorithm
 Algorithm for baking in an image transformation while adjusting the size to encompass the full transformation. More...
class  BallPivotingSurfaceReconstructionAlgorithm
 Algorithm for computing a mesh from point cloud with normals, based on the Open3D Ball Pivoting Implementation. More...
class  BaseAlgorithmControllerFactory
 Factory for built-in algorithms. More...
class  BaseAlgorithmFactory
 Factory for algorithms in the Base module. More...
class  BasicImageProcessing
 Basic image processing such as downsample, flip, rotate or data type change. More...
class  BasicImageProcessingController
 Controller for basic image processing tasks. More...
class  BasicProcessingStream
 Apply basic filters to the content of an incoming ImageStream. More...
class  BestNSelector
class  BiCGStabEigenSolver
 Bi-conjugate gradient solver with stabilization (Eigen implementation) More...
class  BiCGStabSolver
 Bi-conjugate gradient solver with stabilization. More...
class  BiCGStabViennaCPUSolver
 Bi-conjugate gradient solver with stabilization (Vienna CPU implementation) More...
class  BiCGStabViennaGPUSolver
 Bi-conjugate gradient solver with stabilization (Vienna GPU implementation) More...
class  BicubicBSplineApproximationAlgorithm
 Algorithm that approximates the content of a SharedImageSet with a bicubic B-spline. More...
class  BilateralFilterAlgorithm
 Algorithm for edge-preserving image smoothening using the Bilateral filter. More...
class  BinaryMaskToTextAlgorithm
 Algorithm for loading and exporting a binary mask from a text file. More...
class  BinaryOpExpr
class  BinarySerializable
 Interface for class which can be serialized and deserialized. More...
class  BlendTexturing
class  BlobDetector
class  BoolParamControl
 Represent a ParamType::Bool with a QCheckBox. More...
struct  BoundingBox
class  BoundingBoxesAction
class  Bounds
 Utility class to represent axis-aligned bounds in 3D space represented by a lower-left-front corner (component-wise minimum) and an upper-right-back corner (component-wise maximum). More...
class  BoxAnnotationManipulator
 Manipulator for box annotations. More...
class  BrainVesselSegmentationAlgorithm
class  BrushAction
class  BrushSettingsWidget
class  BruteForceMatcher
class  BullseyeVisualizationAlgorithm
 Algorithm for the visualization of a bull's eye and simplified target distance sketch in the 3D view. More...
class  ButtonDropdownWidget
 Push button and a dropdown menu together as a single widget. More...
class  ByteBuffer
 Specialization of the ByteBufferView class that has ownership of the underlying data. More...
class  ByteBufferMutableView
 Specialization of a ByteBufferView that additionally provides non-const access to the underlying data. More...
class  ByteBufferStream
 Specialization of std::istream to easily extract data from a ByteBufferView. More...
class  ByteBufferView
 Const view onto a sized buffer of raw binary data. More...
class  ByteSize
 Helper class to facilitate handling byte sizes. More...
class  CalibrationOptimizer
class  Camera
 Abstraction layer to model both intrinsic (projection) and extrinsic (view) parameters of a camera showing a 3D scene. More...
class  CameraCalibrationAlgorithm
 Camera calibration algorithm. More...
class  CameraCalibrationDataComponent
 A data component storing the intrinsic calibration of a pinhole camera. More...
class  CameraCalibrationSetterAlgorithm
class  CameraCalibrationSettings
class  CameraCalibrationSettingsWidget
class  CameraLatencyTestAlgorithm
 An algorithm to measure camera latency. More...
class  CameraRegistrationAlgorithm
 Camera registration algorithm. More...
class  CGSolver
 Conjugate gradient solver (Eigen implementation) More...
class  CheckableImage
class  CircleHoughTransform
 Hough transform for detecting circles. More...
struct  ClassificationInputData
class  ClCommandQueue
 OpenCL command queue class. More...
class  ClContext
 OpenCL context class. More...
class  ClDeformation
class  ClDevice
 OpenCL device class. More...
class  CleanDecorator
class  CleanMeshWidget
 Mesh clean widget. More...
class  ClEnvironment
 Encapsulates OpenCL environment. More...
class  ClEvent
 OpenCL event class. More...
class  ClFastMarching
 OpenCL Fast Marching implementation. More...
class  ClFftAlgorithm
 Algorithm interface of the Fast Fourier Transform using the ClFFT library. More...
class  ClImage
 OpenCL image class. More...
class  CliqueLookupTable
 Compute a clique lookup table to identify point constellations in bigger pointclouds. More...
class  ClKernel
 OpenCL kernel class. More...
class  ClMarkovChain
 OpenCL-based Viterbi algorithm. More...
class  ClPlatform
 OpenCL platform class. More...
class  ClPointCloud
 OpenCL point cloud. More...
class  ClPointDistanceReg
 Registers a point set to a distance volume. More...
class  ClProgram
 OpenCL program class. More...
class  ClReduction
 OpenCL-based reduction based on the NVIDIA OpenCL reduction SDK sample. More...
class  ClSort
 OpenCL-based sorting. More...
class  ColorButton
 Specialization of a QPushButton to show and select a color. More...
class  ColorDecorator
class  ColorMapOptimization
class  ColorMeshWidget
class  ColorPickerParamControl
 Represent a ParamType::Vector with a QPushButton that displays the vector as a color and opens a QColorDialog on click. More...
class  ColorPickerWidget
 Widget combining a HsvColorPicker2d, an HsvHueSlider, and optionally an OpacitySlider to let the user pick a color. More...
class  CombineASCSetAlgorithm
 Algorithm to combine AnatomicalStructureCollections into an ASCSet. More...
class  CombinedParameterWrapper
 Implementation of the ParameterOptimization interface to a combination of other ParameterOptimization interface values. More...
class  CombineImagesAlgorithm
 Algorithm to combine multiple images into a new shared image set. More...
class  CombineImagesAsVolumeAlgorithm
 Algorithm to combine multiple images into a volume. More...
class  CombineIntoTrackedSharedImageSetAlgorithm
 Algorithm for creating a TrackedSharedImageSet from a TrackingSequence and SharedImageSet. More...
class  CombineMeshesAlgorithm
 Algorithm to combine multiple meshes into a new mesh. More...
class  CombinePointCloudsAlgorithm
 Algorithm to combine multiple pointclouds into a new pointcloud. More...
class  CombineSplitVolumesAlgorithm
 Algorithm to combine a number of split volumes along the Z dimension. More...
class  CompositeSlider
 QSlider which adds the possibility of painting a background for the slider. More...
class  CompoundData
 Interface for datasets that are formed by one or multiple other nested Data instances. More...
class  Configurable
 Base interface for classes that support object serialization from/to Properties objects. More...
class  ConnectedComponentsAction
class  ConnectedComponentsAlgorithm
 Algorithm to perform an analysis of the connected components. More...
class  ConsoleController
 Specialization of ApplicationController for a console application which loads data and runs algorithms. More...
class  ContrastFilter
 Contrast-enhancing filter. More...
class  Controller
 Base interface for a GUI element within MainWindowBase. More...
class  ControllerDecorator
 Base interface for wrapper classes to decorate Controller instances and place them inside a MainWindowBase. More...
class  CostFunction
 Interface for a cost function that can be optimized. More...
class  CountDownDialog
 Dialog displaying a count down. More...
class  CreatePixelwiseLearningStreamAlgorithm
 Create a pixelwise learning stream from an existing stream. More...
class  CreateStreamAlgorithm
 Algorithm template to create streams. More...
class  CreateStreamIoAlgorithm
 IO algorithm template to create streams. More...
class  CropAroundVertebraeOperation
class  CropDecorator
class  CropLabelMapAlgorithm
 Class for cropping a label map around the targets with certain label values. More...
class  CropMeshWidget
class  CroppingMask
 Simple axis-aligned cropping mask with optional roundness. More...
class  CsvIoAlgorithm
 IO algorithm for moving tensors to and from CSV files. More...
class  CSVParseDialog
class  CSVParser
 Converts a CSV file into a Table, with customizable delimiters and optional headers. More...
class  CTSpineAlgorithmAdapter
class  CubicSplineInterpolationAlgorithm
class  Curve
 Interpolation and fitting of a 1D curve. More...
class  CurvedView
 Interactive 2D view of one or multiple images. More...
class  CurvedViewPrimitive
 Interface for curved view primitives. More...
class  CurvedViewSettingsController
 Simple dialog to modify parameters of the curved view. More...
class  CurvedViewSplineManipulator
 Manipulator setting the direction of spline based curved views. More...
class  CurveEditorManipulator
class  CurveEditorView
 Curve editor view. More...
class  CustomFaceProperty
 A custom property using faces/triangles as geometry elements. More...
class  CustomImage
 Base interface for custom Image types that can be converted from/to MemImages and are supported by SharedImage. More...
class  CustomProperty
 Interface for a custom typed property, allowing access to the values at individual elements. More...
class  CustomPropertyBase
 Basic interface for a custom property, i.e. a collection of values on different elements (vertices/faces). More...
struct  CustomPropertyDescriptor
class  CustomPropertyElement
 Wrapper for the value of a custom property on a specific element, with conversions to and from the underlying data type. More...
class  CustomPropertyElementBase
 Basic interface for the value of a custom property on a single element. More...
class  CustomVertexProperty
 A custom property using vertices as geometry elements. More...
class  Data
 Virtual base class for representing data from which all concrete data class such as images need to derive. More...
class  DataAnnotationFactory
 Interface for data annotation factories. More...
class  DatabaseView
class  DataComponent
 Main specialization of DataComponentBase for regular types. More...
class  DataComponentBase
 Data components provide a way to generically attach custom information objects. More...
class  DataComponentFactory
 Factory singleton for creating DataComponents from string IDs. More...
class  DataComponentList
 Class for holding a collection of DataComponents. More...
class  DataComponentWithParentInterface
 Interface to augment a DataComponent with a parent of type Data. More...
class  DataController
 Specialization of the Controller interface to be used with Data instances. More...
class  DataControllerBar
 The DataControllerBar displays DataController in toolbar-mode. More...
class  DataControllerHandler
class  DataDescriptor
class  DataDisplayHandler
 Interface to generically show/hide Data in a DisplayWidgetMulti/InteractiveView and/or query visibility. More...
class  DataDisplayHandlerFactory
 Factory class to maintain the list of registered DataDisplayHandlers ,. More...
class  DataDisplayModel
 This class extends a DataItemModel with data visibility information from a DisplayWidgetMulti. More...
class  DataFilterModel
 The DataFilterModel class is a proxy model to filter a DataItemModel. More...
class  DataGroup
 Data element that groups multiple Data instances together in a hierarchical fashion. More...
class  DataGroupingModel
 QAbstractProxyModel implementation that groups data in a source-model according to a specified GroupingOption. More...
class  DataHashAlgorithm
 Algorithm to compute a hash from image data. More...
class  DataItemModel
 Wrapper class to transform the DataModel into a QAbstractItemModel so that it can be used in Qt views. More...
class  DataLink
 Interface for linking properties between multiple Data instances. More...
class  DataList
 Container for any number of Data instances such as image or meshes. More...
class  DataLogger
 Support for logging data. More...
class  DataMatrixTransformer
class  DataModel
 Container for datasets holding ownership and managing a hierarchical list of persistent data. More...
class  DataModelAutoLinking
 Utility class to automatically create DataLink instances between datasets in a DataModel. More...
class  DataSet
class  DatasetLicenseComponent
 Data component for keeping track of the data's license (when it comes from a public dataset). More...
class  DatasetLicenseEditor
class  DatasetLicenseFilter
struct  DatasetLicenseFilterState
class  DatasetLicenseSystem
class  DataSetPropagationAlgorithm
class  DataSourceComponent
 Data component for keeping track of the data's origin. More...
class  DataWidget
 Graphical user interface for the DataModel/DataItemModel. More...
class  DataWidgetItemDelegate
 Base interface for a Qt item delegate that defines how the entries in a DataWidget are supposed to be shown. More...
class  DataWidgetMenu
 Context menu of the DataWidget. More...
class  DateFilterWidget
class  Debouncer
 Class that can be used to limit the frequency of calls to a function. More...
class  DecimateMeshWidget
 Mesh decimation widget. More...
class  DefaultAction
class  DefaultAlgorithmController
 Default algorithm controller, with automatically generated GUI This GUI includes: A PropertiesWidget displaying the configurable properties of the Algorithm A push-button for each Algorithm::Action registered with the algorithm (see Algorithm::registerAction). More...
class  DefaultASCSegmentationController
 Helper template for creating controllers for segmentation algorithms using AnatomicalStructureCollection. More...
class  DefaultControllerDecorator
 Wrapper class to decorate Controller instances and place them in the GUI of MainWindowBase using Qt Widgets. More...
class  DefaultDataAnnotationFactory
 Factory for default data annotations. More...
class  DefaultDataWidgetItemDelegate
 Default implementation of the DataWidgetDelegate that is used for instance in the ImFusion Suite. More...
class  DefaultGalleryPainter
class  DefaultIoAlgorithmControllerFactory
 Factory for built-in IO algorithm controllers. More...
class  DefaultIoAlgorithmFactory
 Factory for built-in IO algorithms. More...
class  DefaultTreeFactory
 Factory for default Tree and Node types. More...
class  DefineROIAction
class  DeformableIcpAlgorithm
 Point-to-point, regularized-least-squares-based iterative closest point algorithm for deformable registration of two meshes, a mesh to a point cloud, or two point clouds representing a curve. More...
class  Deformation
 Base class for different kinds of non-linear image transformations. More...
class  DeformationEditor
 The DeformationEditor algorithm modifiers the deformation property of a SharedImageSet. More...
class  DeformationEditorController
 Controller for the DeformationEditor algorithm. More...
class  DeformationEvent
 Base class for customized deformation events. More...
class  DeformationWidget
 Widget representing the properties of a certain deformation model. More...
class  DemonsImageRegistration
 Registers two images with the Demons algorithm The algorithm modifies the GlDenseDeformation object attached to the moving image A number of variants of the standard demons algorithm (diffeomorphic vs additive, various gradient modes) are supported (cf. More...
class  DependentKeypoint
 Represents a keypoint as linear combination of points in meshes or point clouds or other keypoints. More...
class  DepthColorWarping
 Class for color-to-depth or inverse warping. More...
class  DepthImageDistanceComputation
class  DepthMapToPointCloudAlgorithm
 Algorithm for converting depth maps to point clouds. More...
class  DescriptorsRegistrationAlgorithm
 Class for performing image registration using local feature descriptors. More...
class  DescriptorsRegistrationController
class  DicomAlgorithmControllerFactory
class  DicomAlgorithmFactory
class  DicomBrowser
 The DicomBrowser is a dialog to browse and preview DICOM files. More...
class  DicomBrowserFilterModel
 A QSortFilterProxyModel specifically for a DicomBrowserModel. More...
class  DicomBrowserModel
 Hierarchical model of DICOM patients. More...
class  DicomDataAnnotationFactory
class  DicomGuiAlgorithmFactory
class  DicomGuiPlugin
class  DicomIoAlgorithm
 IoAlgorithm for reading and writing DICOM files. More...
class  DicomIOAlgorithmBrowser
class  DicomIOAlgorithmFile
class  DicomIOAlgorithmFolder
class  DicomIoController
class  DicomLoader
 The DicomLoader class loads images from DICOM files. More...
class  DicomPacsCommunication
 Class facilitating the communication with DICOM PACS servers. More...
struct  DicomPacsConfiguration
 Structure encapsulating all information needed to connect to a PACS instance. More...
class  DicomPlugin
class  DicomPluginSettings
 Provides settings used by different parts of the DicomPlugin. More...
class  DicomScanner
 Scans different locations for DICOM files. More...
class  DicomWriter
 The DicomWriter class can store a SharedImageSet in a DICOM dataset. More...
class  DiffusionNetFeatureExtractor
 Implements DiffusionNet architecture through a PyTorch traced model of More...
class  DISAFeaturesAlgorithm
class  DisplacementVisualizer
 Algorithm/GlObject hybrid to display an image's displacement as a vector field in an ImageView2D. More...
class  DisplayLayout
class  DisplayLayoutConfig
 The DisplayLayoutConfig represents a configuration for the layout. More...
class  DisplayOptions2d
 Configures the display options for 2D slice rendering of images. More...
class  DisplayOptions2dWidget
 Widget to display and manipulate the per-data rendering options of a 2D view. More...
class  DisplayOptions3d
 Configures the display options for 3D volume rendering of images. More...
class  DisplayOptions3dWidget
 Widget to display and manipulate the per-data rendering options of a 3D view. More...
class  DisplayRecorderAlgorithm
class  DisplayRecorderController
class  DisplayWidget
 Render surface that hosts InteractiveViews and will call their render method on repaints. More...
class  DisplayWidgetMulti
 Specialized version of DisplayWidget that manages specific views and provides an automatic layout. More...
class  DistanceTransform
 Distance transformation algorithm. More...
class  DistanceTransformAlgorithm
 Computes a distance transformation from a label map. More...
class  DistanceVolumeAlgorithm
 Algorithm to create a distance-volume from a mesh. More...
class  DoseComputationAlgorithm
 Computes the dose distribution from PET/SPECT images. More...
class  DoubleAdjusterParamControl
 Represent a ParamType::Double with a DoubleAdjusterWidget. More...
class  DoubleAdjusterWidget
 Widget combining a slider with a spin box for configuring integer values. More...
class  DoubleParamControl
 Represent a ParamType::Double with a QDoubleSpinBox. More...
class  DrawContourAction
class  EigenExpr
class  EigenMatrixParamControl
 ParamControl for Eigen Types (Properties::ParamType::Matrix and Properties::ParamType::Vector). More...
class  ElementwiseDataComponentData
 Class for augmenting Data classes with an ElementwiseDataComponentList. More...
class  ElementwiseDataComponentList
 Class for managing multiple DataComponentLists for individual elements. More...
class  EmptyAction
class  EndoscopicToolSegmentation
class  EndoscopicToolSegmentationAlgorithm
class  EntryExitPointRenderer
 Class for high-performance rendering of entry-exit points to be used for direct volume rendering. More...
class  EnumParamControl
 Represent a ParamType::Enum and ParamType::EnumString with a QComboBox. More...
class  EraseAction
class  ErrorFunction
 Interface for an error function returning one or multiple values. More...
class  EvaluateLinearShapeModel
class  EvaluateLinearShapeModelController
struct  EvaluationResult
 return type of metric computation More...
class  ExpandableGroupBox
 This class is a container widget that can expand and collapse another widget. More...
class  ExpandableGroupBoxButton
class  ExpandableWidget
 This class is a container widget that can expand and collapse another widget. More...
class  Experiments
class  ExperimentsView
class  ExplicitIntensityMask
 An ExplicitIntensityMask is a combination of an ExplicitMask and an IntensityMask. More...
class  ExplicitMask
 An ExplicitMask holds an individual mask value for every pixel. More...
class  ExportView
class  ExtractDeformationAlgorithm
 Extracts the displacement field of a deformation as a 3 channel float image. More...
class  ExtractImagesFromVolumeAlgorithm
 Algorithm to extract 2D images from a volume. More...
class  ExtractMeshTextureAlgorithm
class  ExtractSelection
 Algorithm to extract the current selection into a new object instance (SharedImageSet or TrackingSequence) More...
class  ExtractTrackingSequence
 Duplicate and extract TrackingSequence data of a tracked image set. More...
class  FactoryBase
 Abstract base class for all factories. More...
class  FactoryRegistry
 Registry for object factories. More...
class  FakeImageStream
 Small tool class to create an image stream. More...
class  FakePolyDataStream
 Fake stream emitting a moving PointCloud or Mesh. More...
class  FakeTrackingStream
 Small tool class to create a tracking stream out of nowhere. More...
class  FastGlobalRegistration
 Wrapper of Open3D's FastGlobalRegistration for 6 DoF object pose estimation. More...
class  FastSurferBrainSegmentationAlgorithm
 Algorithm wrapping the FastSurfer algorithm for brain parcellation. More...
class  FeatureDetectionAlgorithm
 Feature detection algorithm. More...
class  FeatureDetector
 Base class for feature detection on 2D images. More...
class  FeatureDetectorFactory
class  FeatureDetectorWithAdaptiveThreshold
 Feature detection which has a functionality of iteratively changing a threshold to try to fill the image grid with at least one feature per cell. More...
class  FeatureMapsRegistrationAlgorithm
 Algorithm for registering feature maps volumes. More...
struct  FeatureMatch
class  FeatureMatcher
 Base class for feature matching on 2D images. More...
class  FeatureMatcherFactory
class  FeatureMatchPruner
class  FeatureMatchPrunerFactory
class  FeatureSampler
 Base class for feature sampling. More...
class  FeatureSamplerFactory
class  FFDImageRegistration
 Registers two images with a non-linear deformation based on FFDs. More...
class  FFT
 Fast Fourier Transform abstract base class. More...
class  Ffv1Compressor
class  Ffv1Decompressor
class  FiducialExtraction
 Detect circles in the image patch using gradient-based (RANSAC) method. More...
class  FiducialExtractionAlgorithm
 Extract spherical fiducials from data set in 2D and 3D. More...
class  FileSensor
 File-based sensor. More...
class  FilterController
 GUI controller for 2D filtering with preview. More...
class  FitBoundingBoxAlgorithm
 Algorithm to fit an oriented bounding box. More...
class  FitShapeAlgorithm
class  Flags
 Utility class to store a type-safe combination of enum-based bit fields. More...
class  FloatingActionButton
 A button floating in the left button of its parent widget. More...
class  FlowLayout
class  FlowVisualizationAlgorithm
 Creates a multi-channel image for flow visualization. More...
class  FpsCounter
class  FrameBasedPointCloud
 Data structure for point clouds with frame-dependent point data. More...
class  FrameBasedPointCloudIoAlgorithm
 Algorithm for reading and writing frame-dependent point clouds. More...
class  FrameDecoder
class  FramedWidgetWithButtons
class  FrameEncoder
class  FrameInfoDataComponent
class  FrameSelector
class  FreeformAnnotationManipulator
 Manipulator for freeform annotations. More...
class  FreeFormDeformation
 The FreeFormDeformation provides deformations using a free-form deformation (FFD) based on B-splines. More...
class  FreeFormMeshAlgorithm
 Algorithm to convert Point Based annotation to mesh. More...
class  FrequencyFilter1D
 Apply arbitrary frequency filters to 1D input. More...
class  FrequencyFilter2D
 Apply arbitrary frequency filters to 2D input. More...
class  FrequencyFilterAlgorithm
class  FundamentalMatrixMatchPruner
class  FusedLiveTrackingStream
 A tracking stream depending on a hierarchy of live tracking streams. More...
struct  FusionInstruction
 Instructions for fusing multiple instruments from multiple tracking streams. More...
class  GalleryWidget
class  GatingMetadata
 Metadata allowing to perform gating operations on periodic datasets acquired over time. More...
class  GaussianFilter
 Applies a symmetric Gaussian filter to an image. More...
class  GenerateLinearShapeModel
 Mean shape and linear shape model generation algorithm for anatomical structures using closed mesh representations. More...
class  GenericAnatomicalStructure
 Generic bare-bones implementation of the AnatomicalStructure interface. More...
class  GenericASC
 Generic implementation of the AnatomicalStructureCollection interface. More...
class  GenericASCImFusionFilePlugin
class  Gl3DObject
 Abstract base class for 3D objects for which a center and an extent (i.e. a bounding box) can be specified. More...
class  GlAlgorithmControllerFactory
 Factory for built-in algorithms. More...
class  GlAlgorithmFactory
 Factory for built-in US algorithms. More...
class  GlAngle
 Angle annotation. More...
class  GlAnisotropicDiffusionFilter
 Anisotropic diffusion filter using the explicit scheme. More...
class  GlAnnotation
 Base class for implementing annotations. More...
class  GlAnnotationFactory
class  GlArrow
 Line segment annotation. More...
class  GlAverageReduction
 Specialization of GlReduction performing a ReductionOperator::AVERAGE reduction. More...
class  GlAxis
 Cut Line annotation. More...
class  GlAxisTransformerObject
class  GlBall
 Ball annotation, based on GlCircle annotation (basically three circles in 3 orientations) More...
class  GlBilateralFilter
 Bilateral Filter from Szeliski's Computer vision. More...
class  GlBoundingBox
 Draws a bounding box. More...
class  GlBox
 Bounding box annotation. More...
class  GlCircle
 Circle annotation. More...
class  GlColormap
 Wrapper around GlImage to create 1D look-up tables that provides presets for common used colormaps. More...
class  GlContextQt
 OpenGL context using Qt as backend. More...
class  GlConvolutionFilter
 Convolution filter. More...
class  GlCoordinateSystem
 GlObject to render an illustration of a coordinate system into the scene. More...
class  GlCrosshair
 Renders a crosshair as two symmetrical and orthogonal lines, with a gap in the center with a given length. More...
class  GlCurve
 Spline annotation. More...
class  GlCurvedView
 Curved slice view. More...
class  GlCurvedViewCircle
 Circle annotation for curved views. More...
class  GlCurvedViewEllipse
 Ellipse annotation for curved views. More...
class  GlCurvedViewOrthoSlice
 Displays an ortho slice for a panorama curve. More...
class  GlCurvedViewPolyLine
 Polyline annotation for curved views. More...
class  GlCurvedViewSpline
 Spline annotation for curved views. More...
class  GlCutLine
 Cut Line annotation. More...
class  GlDeformationGrid
 The GlDeformationGrid visualizes the deformation of an image through the deformation of a grid rendered on top of the image. More...
class  GlDenseDeformation
 The GlDenseDeformation class represents dense deformations based on a displacement map. More...
class  GlDepthDarkening
 Implementation of the Depth Darkening technique for a simple screen-space ambient occlusion effect. More...
class  GlDepthMapRenderer
 GlObject to render a depth map into a GlSliceView. More...
class  GlEdgeFilter
 3x3 edge filter More...
class  GlEdgeFilter3D
 3x3x3 edge filter More...
class  GlEllipse
 Ellipse annotation. More...
class  GlExtractSlice
 Extract slice from 3D volume. More...
class  GlFilter
 Base class for filters. More...
class  GlFilterChain
 Chain of two GlFilters. More...
class  GlFilterSet
 Processing multiple images with a standard filter. More...
class  GlFlattenTrackingDeformation
 Deformation model based on flattening a tracking sequence. More...
class  GlFpsOverlay
 Overlay showing a basic FPS counter inside an InteractiveView. More...
class  GlFreeform
 Freeform annotation. Draw whatever you want. More...
class  GlFreeFormDeformation
 Free Form Deformation. More...
class  GlGradient
 Gradient direction. More...
class  GlGraph
 Annotation for visualizing a graph consisting of nodes and edges. More...
class  GlGrid
class  GlGuidedFilter
 Guided Filter from the paper by He et al. More...
class  GlHistogram
 Provides an interface to calculate the histogram of an image either on the CPU or on the GPU. More...
class  GlIcon
 Renders an icon as a billboard in world space The icon will be rendered always looking towards the camera, without depth test The position is set with setWorldPosition or GlObject::setMatrix. More...
class  GlImage
 OpenGL texture image. More...
class  GlImageHighlighter
 GlObject that highlights an image by drawing a colored layer on top of it. More...
class  GlImageIntensifierAngleOverlay
 Text overlay representing the current view's matrix in the form of image intensifier angles, for instance "RAO -3.3, CAU -51.5". More...
class  GlImageMetric
 Computation of standard metrics on a 2D or 3D image. More...
class  GlImageParameters
 Set texture parameters for the lifetime of the object and then restore old parameters. More...
class  GlImplicitlyPlanarPointBasedAnnotation
 Interface extension for point-based annotations that span an area despite consisting of only 2 points. More...
class  GlInfiniteLine
 Line annotation. More...
class  GlInPlaneTransformer
class  GlIntensityNormalizedSmoothedGradient
 Gradient relative to image intensity smoothed with a constant kernel. More...
class  GlIsolineRenderer
 GlObject to render a label map into a GlSliceView using isolines. More...
class  GlJointHistogram
 Provides an interface to calculate the joint histogram of an image either on the CPU or on the GPU. More...
class  GlLabelRenderer
 GlObject to render a label map into a GlSliceView. More...
class  GlLiftChartOverlay
 Overlay displaying a LIFT chart. More...
class  GlLine
 Line segment annotation. More...
class  GlLocalExtremalFilter
 Local extremal Filter. More...
class  GlLoop
 Loop annotation. More...
class  GlMask
 Base interface for implementing polymorphic image masks using OpenGL. More...
class  GlMaxReduction
 Specialization of GlReduction performing a ReductionOperator::MAX reduction. More...
class  GlMedianFilter
 Median Filter. More...
class  GlMesh
 The GlMesh class renders Mesh instances in 2D and 3D. More...
class  GlMeshOutline
class  GlMeshRendererContours
 Renders the silhouette/contours of a mesh in a 3D view. More...
class  GlMeshRendererIntersection
 Renders the intersection between a Mesh and a Geometry::Plane using lines. More...
class  GlMeshRendererNormals
 Renders the normals of a Mesh using line primitives. More...
class  GlMeshRendererSurface
 Highly configurable renderer to display the surface of a Mesh. More...
class  GlMinReduction
 Specialization of GlReduction performing a ReductionOperator::MIN reduction. More...
class  GlNoiseFilter
 Filter which adds noise. More...
class  GlobalICP
 Global ICP point cloud alignment. More...
class  GlobalSettings
 Class for storing and retrieving persistent global settings. More...
class  GlObject
 Abstract base class for an renderable OpenGL object that can be hosted in a GlView. More...
class  GlObjectFactory
 Factory singleton for creating GlObject from string IDs. More...
class  GlOffscreenIndicatorsOverlay
 The GlOffscreenIndicatorOverlay provides indicators to data that is outside of the current view area. More...
class  GlOrientationMeshOverlay
 The GlOrientationMeshOverlay class draws an overlay that shows the current camera orientation of a view on a proxy mesh. More...
class  GlOutlineRenderer
 Light-weight wrapper to render a colored outline around any rendered GlObject. More...
class  GlOverlay
 Abstract base class for OpenGL overlays. More...
class  GlOvershootControlFilter
 Overshoot control for sharpening algorithms, as used in ADSOC. More...
class  GlPainter
class  GlParallelogram
 Parallelogram annotation. More...
class  GlPlane
 Plane Annotation. More...
class  GlPlotView
 View for plotting data. More...
class  GlPoint
 Point annotation. More...
class  GlPointBasedAnnotation
 Base class for implementing point-based annotations. More...
class  GlPointCloud
 Efficient point cloud renderer. More...
class  GlPointCloudView
 Visualizes point cloud. More...
class  GlPointTree
 Point tree annotation. More...
class  GlPolarToCartesian
 Converts data from polar coordinate to Cartesian space, with constant degree between polar lines. More...
class  GlPolyLine
 Line annotation. More...
class  GlPolyRigidDeformation
 Poly-rigid deformation class. More...
class  GlPoseGraph
 Pose graph annotation. More...
class  GlProductReduction
 Specialization of GlReduction performing a ReductionOperator::PRODUCT reduction. More...
class  GlProgramIncludeManager
 Helper class to manage instances of the same base shader with different abstract includes and/or defines. More...
class  GlReconstructionOverlay
 Object that will render a blended image on top. More...
class  GlRectangle
 Rectangle annotation. More...
class  GlRectangleBillboard
 Renders a fixed size rectangle billboard in the world, always facing towards the camera. More...
class  GlReduction
 High-performance implementation of a reduction of 2D and 3D images using OpenGL. More...
class  GlRotationTransformer
class  GlScalarBarOverlay
 Overlay for displaying a named scalar value represented as a colored bar. More...
class  GlScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion
 Post-processing filter implementing Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO). More...
class  GlSeparableConvolutionFilter
 Separable Convolution filter. More...
class  GlSharpenFilter
 Unsharp Mask filter. More...
class  GlSlice
 Represents an MPR slice for rendering Data into 2D views. More...
class  GlSliceRenderer
 Interface for a class that can render data into a GlSlice/GlSliceView. More...
class  GlSliceRendererImage
 Enables GlSlice to render normal images/volumes (SharedImageSet). More...
class  GlSliceView
 OpenGL view for 2D slice rendering of one or multiple images and GlObjects. More...
class  GlSmartSpline
 Intelligent spline annotation. More...
class  GlSmoothingFilter
 Gaussian smoothing filter. More...
class  GlSpline
 Spline annotation. More...
class  GlSumReduction
 Specialization of GlReduction performing a ReductionOperator::SUM reduction. More...
class  GlTexelFetch
 Read single intensity values from an OpenGL texture. More...
class  GlText
class  GlTextOverlay
 Renderer for displaying text as view overlay. More...
class  GlToolTargetOverlay
 Overlay for displaying the distance and orientation of a tool with respect to a target position. More...
class  GlTPSDeformation
 The GlTPSDeformation class provides deformations using a thin-plate splines (TPS). More...
class  GlTrackingSequence
 Render-class for a TrackingSequence. More...
class  GlTrackingSequenceLegacy
class  GlTransformerObject
class  GlTranslationTransformer
class  GlTree
 Point tree annotation. More...
class  GlVesselnessFilter
 Computes a multi-scale vesselness measure based on Frangi's filter. More...
class  GlView
 Base class for implementing OpenGL views. More...
class  GlVolumeBoundingBox
 Draws the volume bounding box. More...
class  GlVolumeCompounding
 Compounding of multiple volumes (SharedImageSets) with different modalities for the computation of the resulting voxel values (Mode): Mean, Median, Maximum, and Distance. More...
class  GlVolumeRenderer
 Interface for a class that can render volumetric data into a GlVolumeView. More...
class  GlVolumeRendererBasic
 Basic implementation of a direct volume renderer that supports different compositing modes. More...
class  GlVolumeRendererGlobalIllum
 GlVolumeRenderer that supports global illumination in terms of shadows and local ambient occlusion. More...
class  GlVolumeView
 OpenGL view for 3D rendering and correct compositing of direct volume rendering and classic geometry-based GlObjects. More...
class  GlXClaheFilter
 XClahe filter. More...
class  GMSPruner
 Applies motion smoothness as a pruning criteria. More...
class  Graph
 Class for representing a (potentially directed) graph. More...
class  GraphBasedSegmentation
 Image segmentation in 2D or 3D using graph-based segmentation. More...
class  GraphLaplacianAlgorithm
 Image segmentation in 2D or 3D using graph-based segmentation to solve a Laplacian problem. More...
class  GraphPlugin
 Plugin for algorithms from Graph module. More...
class  GraphPluginControllerFactory
 Factory for controllers of the Graph plugin. More...
class  GraphPluginFactory
 Factory for algorithms of the Graph plugin. More...
class  GridBasedMatcher
class  GroupingGalleryWidget
class  HandEyeCalibrationAlgorithm
 Hand Eye Calibration. More...
class  HDF5IoAlgorithm
 Algorithm for reading HDF5 files. More...
class  HistogramDataComponent
 DataComponent storing information on the intensity distribution of the image they are attached to. More...
class  HistogramDisplayWidget
 Qt Widget for displaying and manipulating a histogram from MeshDistanceController. More...
class  HistogramIntensityClusteringAlgorithm
 HistogramIntensityClusteringAlgorithm. More...
class  HistogramInteraction
 Implements mouse interaction logic for the InteractiveHistogramOverlay. More...
class  HomographyAndFundamentalMatrixDecomposition
 This class, given point correspondences from two images, estimates the homography and the fundamental matrix, then depending on the score decomposes one of them into rotation and translation. More...
class  HomographyMatchPruner
class  HoughTransformAlgorithm
 Hough transform wrapper algorithm. More...
class  HsvColorPicker2d
 QWidget allowing for selecting 2 components of the HSV color space. More...
class  HsvHueSlider
 Specialized version of a CompositeSlider that renders the HSV hue color map as background. More...
class  Huffman
 Huffman code for data compression. More...
class  ICP
 ICP-based point cloud alignment. More...
class  IdentityMatchPruner
class  IdentitySampler
class  IgtlConnection
 Network connection to another OpenIGTLink-supporting system for receiving and sending data. More...
class  IgtlConnectionIoAlgorithm
 Main IO algorithm for using the OpenIGTLink library. More...
class  IgtlCreateDataIoAlgorithm
class  IgtlCreateDeviceAlgorithm
class  IgtlDataDevice
 Base class for Igtlink devices that receive/send single data (and not data streams) More...
class  IgtlDevice
 Base class for Igtlink devices. More...
struct  IgtlDeviceBlueprint
class  IgtlDeviceFactory
 Factory class handling Igtl devices. More...
class  IgtlDeviceImpl
class  IgtlImageData
 Class to send/receive a single Image over an OpenIGTLink connection. More...
class  IgtlImageOutStream
class  IgtlImageStream
 Image streams which are generated by OpenIGTLink connections. More...
class  IgtlMeshData
 Class to send/receive a single Mesh over an OpenIGTLink connection. More...
struct  IgtlParsedMessage
class  IgtlPointCloudData
 Class to send/receive a single PointCloud over an OpenIGTLink connection. More...
class  IgtlPolyDataOutStream
class  IgtlPolyDataStream
 Polydata (Mesh or PointCloud) streams which are generated by OpenIGTLink connections. More...
class  IgtlTrackingMessage
 Tracking message used for OpenIGTLink connections. More...
class  IgtlTrackingOutStream
 Stream of tracking data which is sent by an OutputConnection through network or other ports. More...
class  IgtlTrackingStream
 Tracking streams which are generated by OpenIGTLink connections. More...
class  IgtlTypeFactory
 Factory class handling Igtl types. More...
class  Ilium
class  Image
 Base class and interface for images. More...
class  ImageBasedGatingAlgorithm
 Compute cardiac or respiratory gating parameters by detecting periodic structural change in the images. More...
class  ImageComparison
 Comparison of different images. More...
class  ImageCompression
 Saving and loading of compressed image data. More...
class  ImageCompressionCodec
 Saving and loading of compressed image data through video codecs. More...
struct  ImageDescriptor
 Struct describing the essential properties of an image. More...
class  ImageDescriptorWorld
 Convenience struct extending an ImageDescriptor to also include a matrix describing the image orientation in world coordinates. More...
class  ImageDownsampler
 Manager for image downsampling/upsampling. More...
class  ImageGatingAlgorithm
 Algorithm to bin image sets according to a gating signal. More...
class  ImageInfoDataComponent
 DataComponent storing general information on the image origin. More...
class  ImageInpaintingAlgorithm
 Algorithm for inpainting methods. More...
class  ImageIoAlgorithm
 Algorithm for reading and writing all supported 2D image formats. More...
class  ImageMathPlugin
class  ImageMattingAlgorithm
 Algorithm for image matting using guided filter. More...
struct  ImageMetadata
class  ImageOutStream
 Image stream which is sent by an OutputConnection through network or other ports. More...
class  ImagePyramid
 Represents a pyramid of images with decreasing resolution. More...
class  ImageRegistration
 High-level interface for image registration. More...
class  ImageRegistrationController
class  ImageResamplingAlgorithm
 Algorithm for resampling an image to a target dimension or resolution, optionally with respect to another image. More...
class  ImageResamplingController
 Controller for image resampling. More...
class  ImageSequenceRegistration
 Registers a SharedImageSet of multiple images. More...
class  ImageSetAutoCorrelation
 Compute an auto-correlation (band) matrix of an image set. More...
class  ImageSetIoAlgorithm
 Algorithm for reading all 2D images in a directory into an image set. More...
class  ImageStatisticsAlgorithm
class  ImageStatisticsController
class  ImageStream
 Base class for image-based streams. More...
class  ImageStreamCache
 A singleton class for caching the output of an ImageStream in a SharedImageSet. More...
class  ImageStreamData
 Image data streamed from a streaming device. More...
class  ImageStreamDisplayHandler
 Shows ImageStream instances in ImageView2D and ImageView3D. More...
class  ImageStreamRecorder
 Recorder for image streams. More...
class  ImageTemplate
 Class representing a template for extracting image content based on named reference regions. More...
class  ImageTemplateDataComponent
 Data component for storing a ImageTemplate in a SharedImageSet. More...
class  ImageTemplateMatchingAlgorithm
 Manages a list of image templates for a given ImageStream. More...
class  ImageTransformer
 The ImageTransformer class provides a generic way of transforming from the pixel coordinates of one image to the pixel coordinates of another image including any world transformations. More...
class  ImageUndistortion
 This class enables the undistortion of images, i.e. More...
class  ImageUndistortionAlgorithm
 Algorithm for undistoring images, intrinsics and distortion parameters are retrieved from CameraCalibrationDataComponent, if not then user defined ones are used. More...
class  ImageView2D
 High-level wrapper class for 2D/MPR rendering of one or multiple images. More...
class  ImageView3D
 Qt widget for 3d rendering of one or multiple images. More...
class  ImFusionFile
 Loading and saving of the ImFusion file format. More...
class  ImFusionFileGroup
 Groups for combining different data (with additional properties) within the ImFusion file format. More...
class  ImFusionFileIoAlgorithm
 IoAlgorithm to for the ImFusionFile format. More...
class  ImFusionFileIoController
 Dialog for adjusting image compression settings. More...
class  ImFusionFilePlugin
 Allow loading and saving of custom classes and data within the ImFusion file format. More...
class  ImFusionImage
 Loading and saving of the ImFusion image format. More...
class  ImFusionLabels
class  ImFusionLabelsPlugin
 Base class for ImFusion SDK plugins that also provide functionality to ImFusion Labels. More...
class  ImFusionPlugin
 Base class for plugins that can be loaded by the ImFusion SDK. More...
class  ImpliedLocalCoordinates
 Helper class for storing an "image" representation of an object, and converting to/from image and world representations. More...
class  ImportAction
class  ImportGalleryPainter
class  IMURawMetadata
 Metadata for (multiple) IMU sensor raw data. More...
class  InstrumentCalibrationDataComponent
 Data component representing the calibration matrix for a set of instruments. More...
class  IntAdjusterWidget
 Widget combining a slider with a spin box for configuring integer values. More...
class  IntegerAdjusterParamControl
 Represent a ParamType::Integer with a IntAdjusterWidget. More...
class  IntegerParamControl
 Represent a ParamType::Integer with a QSpinBox. More...
class  IntensityClusteringAlgorithm
 Algorithm for intensity-based clustering using k-means. More...
class  IntensityMask
 Masks pixels with a specific value or values outside a specific range. More...
class  Interaction
 Base interface class for view and overlay interactions. More...
class  Interaction2D
class  Interaction3D
 Standard 3D view interaction. More...
class  InteractionDepthMap
 Depth map view interaction ! More...
class  InteractionOrthoView2D
 Ortho 2D view interaction. More...
class  InteractionPlotView
 Interaction class for plot view. More...
class  InteractionView2D
class  InteractionView3D
 Standard 2D/3D view interaction. More...
class  Interactive
 Strongly typed templated version of an InteractiveObject. More...
class  InteractiveAnnotation
class  InteractiveButtonOverlay
 Interactive overlay for a click-able button. More...
class  InteractiveColorBarOverlay
class  InteractiveCroppingBox
class  InteractiveDeformationAction
class  InteractiveHistogramOverlay
 Wraps a GlHistogramOverlay object (that contains a GlHistogram) in an InteractiveOverlay. More...
class  InteractiveInfoOverlay
 Interface for overlays that show text information (e.g. More...
class  InteractiveLiftChartOverlay
 Wraps GlLiftChartOverlay. More...
class  InteractiveObject
 Wraps a GlObject pairing it with an optional Manipulator in order to attach it to an InteractiveView. More...
class  InteractiveOrientationMeshOverlay
 The InteractiveOrientationMeshOverlay class wraps a GlOrientationMeshOverlay and does not provide any interactions. More...
class  InteractiveOverlay
 Wraps a GlOverlay in order to display it at specific positions in an InteractiveView. More...
class  InteractivePixelInfoOverlay
 InteractiveOverlay to show information about the pixel currently underneath the mouse cursor. More...
class  InteractiveQualityBarOverlay
 Wraps a GlQualityBarOverlay object in an InteractiveOverlay. More...
class  InteractiveScaleOverlay
 Wraps a GlScaleOverlay. More...
class  InteractiveSegAction
class  InteractiveSegmentationAlgorithm
 Interactive segmentation algorithm. More...
class  InteractiveSegmentationController
 Controller for interactive segmentation. More...
class  InteractiveSegmentationWatershedAlgorithm
class  InteractiveView
 Abstract base class for a view that can be hosted by a DisplayWidget. More...
class  InteractiveViewOptionsOverlay
 Button overlay for InteractiveView that allows for setting up the view or display options of the view. More...
class  InterfileIoAlgorithm
 IoAlgorithm for loading and saving images stored in Interfile format. More...
class  InterlacedToStereoAlgorithm
class  IntraOralFilter
 Intra-oral filter. More...
class  IntrinsicsOptimizationAlgorithm
 Optimizes intrinsics. More...
class  InvertDeformationAlgorithm
 Algorithm to compute the inverse of a deformation. More...
class  IoAlgorithm
 Interface for describing IO algorithms. More...
class  IoController
 Controller for image IO. More...
class  ItemControl
 ItemControl abstract interaface. More...
class  ItemViewWidget
 Widget containing an abstract item view, reprensenting a model, as well as configurable options to edit the model. More...
class  IterativeLinearSystemSolver
 Interface for interative linear system solvers. More...
class  JpegIO
 Class for reading and writing JPEG images. More...
class  KalmanFilter
 Generic Kalman filter. More...
class  KalmanPosition
 Kalman filter for position data. More...
class  KalmanQuaternion
 Kalman filter for quaternions. More...
class  KeyboardShortcutManager
 Singleton class to manage global keyboard shortcuts. More...
class  KeyNode
 Node element used in KeyTree below. More...
struct  Keypoint
struct  KeypointManipulator
class  KeyTree
 Data structure that hierarchically organizes anatomy keys (strings) More...
class  KeyValueStore
 Template class for storing key/value pairs. More...
class  KeyValueStoreVisualiser
 Helper class for managing GlObjects for every item in a KeyValueStore across a set of views. More...
class  KeyValueStoreVisualiserParent
class  KeyValueStoreVisualizerBase
class  KinectAzureStream
 Class for streams from Kinect Azure RGB-D sensors. More...
class  KinectAzureStreamController
class  KinectAzureStreamPlaybackAlgorithm
 Class for playing back mkv recordings from Kinect Azure RGB-D sensors. More...
class  KinectAzureStreamRecordingAlgorithm
 Class for recording streams from Kinect Azure RGB-D sensors. More...
class  LabelBgDataComponent
class  LabelDataComponent
 DataComponent to store meta data of a label map. More...
class  LabelDataComponentWidget
 Widget to display and manipulate the per-data rendering options of a 3D view. More...
class  LabeledParamControl
 Composite control that wraps an existing ParamControl and adds a label to the left of it. More...
class  LabeledSlider
 This class wraps a QSlider and two QLabels. More...
class  LabelingAlgorithm
 Labeling algorithm. More...
class  LabelingController
 Controller for labeling algorithm. More...
class  LabelingManipulator
 Manipulator for circle-based annotations. More...
class  LabelMapInterpolationAlgorithm
 Algorithm to run a 3D interpolatation of a label map with sparsely labelled slices EITHER Input is a 3D label map with a couple of non-zero z-slices, output is the interpolated volume OR Input is a set of 2D label maps some of them being not empty, output is the interpolated 2D sequence. More...
class  LabelMapPropagationAction
class  LabelMapPropagationAlgorithm
 Algorithm to propagate a label map along a sequence of images. More...
class  LabelMapToContoursAlgorithm
 Algorithm to generate a closed contour encompassing a label map. More...
class  LabelMapToRTStructure
 Converts a LabelMap to RTStructures. More...
class  LabelOverlapAlgorithm
class  LabelOverlapEncoder
 Helper class to encode overlapping labels into an 8bit label map. More...
class  LabelOverlay
class  LabelResizeHandler
class  LabelSelector
class  LabelsOperationsAlgorithm
 Algorithm to combine multiple labels set into a new shared image set. More...
class  LabelsSettings
class  LabelStatisticsAlgorithm
 The LabelStatisticsAlgorithm computes image statistics depending on several label maps. More...
class  LabelsToNarrowBandAlgorithm
 Algorithm that creates a narrow band around an object represented by a label map. More...
class  LabelToFrameBasedPointCloudAlgorithm
 Given a label map and a tracked shared image set, create a frame based point cloud. More...
class  LabelToMeshAlgorithm
 Algorithm to convert label maps to meshes. More...
class  LabelToWeightAssignmentAlgorithm
 Algorithm class to assign labels to provided weights. More...
struct  Landmark
class  LandmarksAction
class  LandmarksToImageAlgorithm
 Algorithm to generate learning data on the position of landmarks in images. More...
class  LaplacianPyramid
 Represents a pyramid of image details with decreasing resolution. More...
class  LaserLocker
 Handles acquisition of laser locks across multiple sensors. More...
class  LaserManager
 Mangages synchronization of lasers among multiple RGB-D sensors supporting this feature. More...
class  LatencyPatchStream
 stream responsible for estimating image travel time inside the Suite. More...
class  LayoutEdge
class  LayoutHorizontalEdge
class  LayoutNode
class  LayoutVerticalEdge
class  LazyInstantiatedDataComponent
 Extended interface for DataComponents that support lazy instantiation / lazy retrieval. More...
class  LC2
 Linear correlation of linear combination (LC2) similarity measure. More...
class  LC2Preprocessing
class  LeastSquaresPoseGraphSolution
 Pose graph optimization with Least Squares solution based on G2O's implementation The first pose is the reference pose and will stay fixed, all other poses are free to change. More...
class  LevenbergMarquardt
 Levenberg-Marquardt optimizer. More...
class  LiftChartOverlayAlgorithm
class  LiftChartOverlayController
 Controller with a dummy algorithm. More...
class  LightweightController
 Interface to set a display instance on a Controller or DataController class. More...
struct  like_pointer
struct  like_pointer< std::shared_ptr< T > >
struct  like_pointer< std::unique_ptr< T > >
struct  like_pointer< T * >
class  LinearGridRegistration
 Registers a set of images arranged in a 2D grid. More...
class  LinearImageRegistration
 Registers two images using a rigid/affine transformation. More...
class  LinearRegression
 Class for linear regression. More...
class  LinearSystemSolver
 Interface for linear system solvers. More...
class  LineHoughTransform
class  LineToIsosurfaceIntersectionAlgorithm
 Finds the intersection between a ray and the first isosurface. More...
class  LineToIsosurfaceIntersectionController
 Controller for the LineToIsosurfaceIntersectionAlgorithm. More...
class  LinkPose
 Synchronizes the pose matrix across multiple Data instances. More...
class  LinkPoseDeformable
 Links the pose of two or more data instances if there is deformation present. More...
class  LinkPoseDeformableController
 Default algorithm controller for LinkPoseDeformable algorithm, with a slight modification to have GlMesh access. More...
class  LinkSelection
 Synchronizes the selection of multiple Selectables. More...
class  LinkWindowing
 Synchronizes DisplayOptions2d and DisplayOptions3d of multiple images. More...
class  ListManipulator
struct  ListModelView
 Represents a QListView, and the container ItemViewWidget. The model can be accessed in ItemViewWidget::model or QListView::model. More...
class  LiveHandEyeCalibrationAlgorithm
 Takes two LiveTrackingStreams, and allows to sample frames and to compute the calibration from them The expected input is a stream containing the transforms from base to hand (i.e. More...
class  LiveHandEyeCalibrationController
 Controller for sampling and computation of the calibration. More...
class  LiveHandEyeEvaluationAlgorithm
 Takes two LiveTrackingStreams and the respective calibration, and computes the chain error. More...
class  LiveHandEyeEvaluationController
 Controller for determining the type of calibration to be checked, and inspect the result. More...
class  LiveImageBasedGating
 Compute cardiac or respiratory gating parameters by detecting periodic structural change in the images To use, feed a consecutive block of frames into initialize and get their phase values. More...
class  LiveImageBasedGatingTestAlgorithm
class  LiverDetectionAlgorithm
 Automatically segments the liver with a neural network on MR and CT datasets. More...
class  LiveSensorFusion
 Abstract base class for 9DOF sensor fusion algorithms. More...
class  LiveStereoCalibrationAlgorithm
 Takes two ImageStreams, and allows to sample frames and to compute the calibration from them Both streams have to see the same calibration board The output is the intrinsic calibration for each camera, transformation between the cameras and the deformation fields for stereo rectification Another variant of the algorithm takes image samples as an input. More...
class  LiveStereoCalibrationController
 Controller for sampling and computation of the calibration. More...
class  LiveStreamingAlgorithm
 Takes images from ImageStream (8bit images) encodes them and sends them via a web socket. More...
class  LiveStreamProcessingAlgorithm
 Abstract base class for algorithms performing live stream processing without necessarily recording the data. More...
class  LiveTrackingAlgorithm
 Live tracking algorithm for image based pose detectors (for now only PoseDetectorOpenCV). More...
class  LiveTrackingProperties
 Dialog for adjusting properties of a tracked shared image set. More...
class  LiveTrackingPropertiesAlgorithm
 Algorithm to change properties of one LiveTrackingStream. More...
class  LiveTrackingStream
 Base class for tracking-based streams. More...
class  LLTEigenSolver
 Solver using Cholesky decomposition of the matrix (Eigen implementation) More...
class  LLTFloatSolver
 Solver using Cholesky decomposition of the matrix. More...
class  LoadRawDialog
 Dialog for loading raw files, conveniently figuring out dimensions and settings. More...
class  LoadSpineTemplateAlgorithm
class  LoadUnknownDialog
 Dialog for opening files without specified type. More...
class  LocalFeatureDescriptors
struct  LocalizationInputData
 Data for one localization evaluation instance -> one input scan + groundtruth keypoints. More...
class  LoggingTimer
 Scope guard-like stopwatch class to automatically log measured execution time on destruction of the guard object. More...
class  LogisticRegression
 Class for logistic regression. More...
class  LogViewerWidget
 Logging sink that manifests itself as a Qt widget showing formatted log messages and allowing for basic filtering. More...
class  LogWidgetOptions
class  LoopManipulator
class  Madgwick
 Madgwick sensor fusion. More...
class  Mahony
 Mahony sensor fusion. More...
class  MainView
class  MainWindowBase
 Extends ApplicationController with additional interfaces for graphical user interfaces. More...
class  MakeCompatibleLabelMapAlgorithm
 Algorithm to create a label map compatible with an image. More...
class  Manipulator
 Abstract base class for manipulator objects. More...
class  ManipulatorListener
 Interface for manipulator events. More...
struct  map_arrow_proxy
class  MarkAsLabelMapAlgorithm
 Algorithm to mark any image as a Label Map. More...
class  MarkerConfiguration
 Describes the configuration of a multi-marker calibration target. More...
class  MarkerConfigurationWidget
class  MarkerDetection
 Detect corners in the Charuco Board or Chessboard. More...
class  MarkerDetectionAlgorithm
 Marker detection algorithm. More...
class  MarkerGenerationAlgorithm
 Algorithm for creating calibration markers. More...
class  MarkerHandEyeCalibrationAlgorithm
 Performs hand eye calibration of a sensor that provides a tracking information (for example Atracsys, will be called "tracker") to a camera that captured images of a marker board (any RGB(D) camera, will be called camera) More...
class  Mask
 Base interface for implementing polymorphic image masks on the CPU. More...
class  MaskEditor
class  MaskEditorController
class  MaskFluoroImageAlgorithm
 Detect circle in fluoro shots. More...
class  MaskMeshTextureAlgorithm
 Masks the texture of a mesh to the used range of texture coordinates. More...
class  MatchScorePruner
 Selects either N best matches based on match score, or selects matches based on score threshold, or both Currently the lower score means the better match. More...
class  MatMulExpr
class  MatrixParamControl
class  MatrixParameterDialog
 Dialog to host a MatrixParameterWidget. More...
class  MatrixParameterWidget
 Widget containing a transformation matrix widget and a transformation stash. More...
class  MeasurementAction
class  Measuring
 Measure primitives from 2D and 3D volume. More...
class  MemImage
 Abstract base class for an image residing in main memory. More...
class  MergeASCAlgorithm
 This algorithm combines the AnatomicalStructures within multiple AnatomicalStructureCollection objects into one AnatomicalStructureCollection. More...
class  MergeChannelsAlgorithm
 Merge an image set to another one as additional channel. More...
class  MergeFrameBasedPointCloudsAlgorithm
 Algorithm for merging frame-based point clouds. More...
class  MergeTrackingSequencesAlgorithm
 Merges multiple tracking sequences into a new one. More...
class  Mesh
 Represents a triangle mesh. More...
class  MeshAlignmentAlgorithm
 Algorithm that sequentially aligns input meshes. More...
class  MeshBooleanOperationsAlgorithm
 Algorithm for performing boolean operations on meshes. More...
class  MeshCollisionDetectionAlgorithm
 Algorithm that checks for collision between groups of meshes. More...
class  MeshCreatorAlgorithm
 Algorithm for creating common mesh primitives. More...
class  MeshDataController
 GUI controller for adjusting visualization of meshes. More...
class  MeshDisplayOptions
 DataComponent to store the configuration how meshes should be rendered by default (through MeshDisplayHandler). More...
class  MeshDistanceAlgorithm
 Algorithm to compute point-wise distances between two aligned meshes, between two aligned point clouds, or between aligned point cloud and mesh. More...
class  MeshDistanceController
 Controller for the MeshDistanceAlgorithm. More...
class  MeshExpr
class  MeshGeodesicDistance
 Class for computing the geodesic distance on the mesh surface between the 2 points. More...
class  MeshGl
 Stores vertex and texture data of a Mesh on the GPU so that it can be rendered using OpenGL. More...
class  MeshGroupCollisionDetection
 Verify for collision between two groups of meshes. More...
class  MeshIoAlgorithm
 Algorithm for reading and writing meshes. More...
class  MeshIterator
class  MeshIteratorRel
class  MeshLaplacian
class  MeshManipulator
 Mesh manipulator with 3d controls. More...
class  MeshMaskAlgorithm
class  MeshMeasurementsAlgorithm
class  MeshOctree
 Class representing a mesh octree. Faces of the mesh are split between the nodes of the tree, each node represents a partition of the parent volume (minimum 1/8th) More...
class  MeshOctreeNode
 Class representing a mesh octree node. Contains faces within the node's bounds. More...
class  MeshPickingManipulator
 Mesh picking manipulator The MeshPickingManipulator can return the list of selected vertices/faces/edges It offers several manipulation modes like double-click, hover, alt + mouse key press For proper use the MeshPickingManipulator object must be added to a view as mesh manipulator and the outer object should subscribe to its signals e.g. More...
class  MeshPointCloudCroppingAlgorithm
 Algorithm for cropping point clouds or/and meshes. More...
class  MeshPointCloudCroppingController
 Controller for mesh (point cloud) cropping algorithm. More...
class  MeshPostProcessingAlgorithm
 Mesh post processing. More...
class  MeshToLabelMapAlgorithm
 Algorithm to perform a voxelization (conversion) of a mesh to a label map. More...
class  MeshToPointCloudAlgorithm
 Algorithm to convert a mesh to a point cloud. More...
class  MetaImageIoAlgorithm
 Algorithm for reading and writing MetaImage files. More...
class  MincIO
 Class for reading and writing MINC images. More...
class  MinimumBoundingBox
 Algorithm for computing the minimum axis-aligned bounding box from image data. More...
class  MirrorRegistrationAlgorithm
 Locally Estimate Mirror symmetry of a volume, and use it to estimate the mirror plane. More...
class  MissingLicenseException
 Exception thrown in case a suitable license could not be found or activated. More...
class  MLPlugin
 Plugin for algorithms from ML module. More...
struct  ModelEvalLog
struct  ModelSet
class  MonocularDepthEstimationRGBDStream
 RGBDStream for learning-based depth predictions from monocular images. More...
class  MonocularDepthEstimationRGBDStreamAlgorithm
 RGBDStream algorithm for learning-based depth predictions from monocular images. More...
class  Morpho
 Morphological operations (erosion/dilation) in 2D and 3D. More...
class  MorphologicalInterpolationAlgorithm
 Algorithm to interpolate between two label maps. More...
class  MorphologicalOperationsAlgorithm
 Algorithm for performing morphological operations on images. More...
class  MotionAveragingPoseGraphSolution
 Pose graph optimization with motion averaging, this is to be utilized in MAICP The first pose is the reference pose and will stay fixed, all other poses are free to change. More...
class  MotionModel
 Motion model of smooth (modeled by splines) homogenous transformations over time. More...
struct  MouseEvent
 Mouse event structure. More...
class  MultiLogisticRegression
 Class for multiple logistic regressions (to be used for multi-label classification) More...
class  MultiModalObjectTrackingAlgorithm
 Class for tracking the scene, optionally a part of it that can be interpreted as an object labeled by a mask, in a sequence of RGBD images. More...
class  Multinomial
class  MultiSensorCalibration
 Provides functionality for externally calibrating multiple sensors using markers. More...
class  MultiSensorCalibrationAlgorithm
class  MVSTexturing
class  NearestNeighborSearch
 Nearest neighbor search for points. More...
class  NestedProgress
 Wrapper class to provide the Progress interface, ensure certain invariants for created tasks and/or optionally forward the progress information to an existing Progress. More...
class  NiftiIO
 Class for reading and writing Nifti images. More...
class  NiftiIoAlgorithm
 Algorithm for reading NIFTI data. More...
class  NMSSampler
class  Node
 Class representing a tree node. More...
class  NotchedScrollBar
class  NrrdIoAlgorithm
 Algorithm for reading NRRD images. More...
class  NuclearMedicineImageIOD
 PS 3.3 A.5 Nuclear Medicine Image IOD Does not support saving yet. More...
class  ObjectCoordinateRenderingAlgorithm
 Algorithm for object coordinate rendering. More...
class  ObjectPoseEstimation
 Interface for 6 DoF object pose estimation implementations. More...
class  ObjectPoseEstimationAlgorithm
 Algorithm for 6 DoF object pose estimation. More...
class  ObjectPoseSimulationAlgorithm
 Algorithm for 6 DoF object pose data generation. More...
class  Octree
 Fast Octree space subdivision. More...
class  OctreeDataComponent
 DataComponent to store Octrees directly with their SharedImageSet. More...
class  OfflineStream
 Stream class which supports step-by-step playback and direct access of data samples. More...
class  OffscreenIndicatorsOverlay
 The OffscreenIndicatorOverlay provides indicators to data that is outside of the current view area. More...
class  OffscreenIndicatorsOverlayInteraction
 Interaction for the OffscreenIndicatorOverlay. More...
class  OpacitySlider
 Specialized version of a CompositeSlider that renders a checkerboard blended with the given color as background. More...
class  OpenNI2RGBDStream
 Class for streams from OpenNI2 RGB-D sensors. More...
class  OpticalFlow
 Base class for optical flow algorithms producing flow maps (2-channel floating point images). More...
class  OpticalFlowAlgorithm
 Algorithm to compute the optical flow along a sequence of images. More...
class  OpticalFlowFactory
class  OpticalFlowRAFT
class  OpticalFlowSEARAFT
class  OptimizationDialog
class  OptimizationStudy
 Holds optimization study results and offers methods for analyzing results. More...
class  OptimizeParametricDeformationAlgorithm
class  Optimizer
 Non-linear optimization. More...
class  OptimizerBFGS
 Implementation of the Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (BFGS) optimizer. More...
class  OptimizerDiRect
 Global optimizer based on Dividing Rectangles algorithm. More...
class  OptimizerFactory
 Factory for creating an Optimizer. More...
class  OptimizerNelderMead
 Local optimizer based on Neldea-Mead algorithm (also known as downhill simplex method) (see for instance More...
class  OptimizerNL
 Non-linear optimization using the NLOpt library. More...
class  OptimizerReload
 Optimizer that reloads all information from a previously logged file. More...
class  OptimizerSeries
 Series of multiple sucessive optimizations bundled in one execution. More...
class  OptimizerWrapper
 Wrapper around Optimizer and CostFunction classes to work on simple lambda functions. More...
class  OptimizerXNES
 XNES optimizer. More...
class  OptimizingAlgorithm
 Algorithm class supporting an optimizer. More...
class  OptionalParamControl
 Composite control that wraps an existing ParamControl and adds a checkbox to the left of it. More...
class  OrbbecSensorController
class  ORBFeatureDetector
class  OrientedVertebra
 A representation of a vertebra, containing orientation, classification keypoints, segmentations, meshes and all other related information. More...
class  OutputConnection
 Interface for connections to other devices for sending streams, volumes, and other information through network, USB port or other connection types. More...
class  OutStream
 Base class for streams which are sent by an OutputConnection through network or other ports. More...
class  OverlayInteraction
 Base class for all overlay interactions. More...
class  OwningDataList
 Wrapper class to store a list of owned Data instances. More...
class  ParamControl
 Base class for parameter controls. More...
class  Parameter
 The Parameter class represents a single parameter of a Configurable entity. More...
class  ParameterBase
 Shared base interface of Parameter and SubProperty so that Configurable can maintain a collection of those. More...
class  ParameterOptimization
 Class for combining a ParameterWrapperBase instance with a cost function over C++ objects to produce a CostFunction that can be optimized over with an Optimizer instance. More...
class  ParameterWrapperBase
 Base class for classes that wish to expose zero or more optimization parameters. More...
class  ParametricDeformableRegistration
 Registers two images with a non-linear deformation based on TPSs. More...
class  ParametricDeformation
 Base interface for a parametric deformation in 2D or 3D. More...
class  ParametricDeformationOptimizer
 Runs a non-linear optimization on a ParametricDeformation in order to match its deformation to a given reference displacement field. More...
class  ParametricImageRegistration
 Base class for parametric image registration algorithms. More...
class  ParametricImageRegistrationController
class  ParseFolderAndRunWorkspaceAlgorithm
 Algorithm to parse through folder structures and run a workspace on individual files. More...
class  ParseFolderAndRunWorkspaceAlgorithmController
 Controller for the algorithm parsing folders and running a workspace on them. More...
class  PatchMatch
 Patch match algorithm. Based on the paper "PatchMatch: A Randomized Correspondence Algorithm for Structural Image Editing". More...
class  PathParamControl
 Represent a ParamType::Path with a QLineEdit and a QToolButton that opens a file dialog. More...
class  PCA
struct  PersistentDataComponent
 Base class for DataComponents that must never be deleted from a DataComponentList. More...
class  PgmIO
class  PhilipsQLabIOD
 Loads ultrasound volume stored by Philips QLab software. More...
class  PlaybackAlgorithm
 Creates simulated image, and if tracking is available, tracking streams from a SharedImageSet. More...
class  PlaybackController
 Controller for replaying (potentially tracked) shared image sets. More...
class  PlaybackStream
 Image-based stream created from the playback of an image set. More...
class  PlaybackTrackingStream
 Creates simulated live tracking by playing back the data of a TrackingSequence class. More...
class  PlottingAlgorithm
class  PlottingAlgorithmController
class  PlotView
 View for plotting data. More...
class  PngIO
class  PointBasedAnnotationManipulator
 Manipulator for point-based annotations. More...
class  PointBasedAnnotationManipulator2
 Manipulator for point-based annotations. More...
struct  PointBasedAnnotationManipulatorEventData
 Struct passed as event data to manipulator event. More...
class  PointCloud
 Data structure for point clouds. More...
class  PointCloudAnalysis
 Geometric analysis of a point cloud. More...
class  PointCloudAnalysisController
 Controller for point cloud analysis. More...
class  PointCloudCalibrationAlgorithm
 Algorithm for computing the projection matrix from a dense point cloud. More...
class  PointCloudConvertDenseAlgorithm
 Algorithm for converting unstructured point cloud to a dense point cloud. More...
class  PointCloudExpr
class  PointCloudFilteringAlgorithm
 Algorithm to filter a point cloud. More...
class  PointCloudImageAlgorithm
 Algorithm for converting a point cloud to an image and vice versa. More...
class  PointCloudIntrinsicsAlgorithm
 Algorithm to change intrinsics of point cloud. More...
class  PointCloudIoAlgorithm
 Algorithm for reading and writing point clouds. More...
class  PointCloudOverlapAlgorithm
 Algorithm for computing overlap between point clouds. More...
class  PointCloudPickingManipulator
 Point cloud picking manipulator The PointCloudPickingManipulator can return the list of selected vertices The supported manipulation is alt + mouse key press with optional dragging. More...
class  PointCloudPlaneFittingAlgorithm
 Algorithm to compute point-wise distances between a point cloud and a plane fitted to it. More...
class  PointCloudToDepthMapAlgorithm
 Algorithm for converting dense point cloud to depth map. More...
class  PointCloudTriangulationAlgorithm
 Point Cloud Triangulation. More...
class  PointCloudTSDFTriangulationAlgorithm
 Point Cloud TSDF Triangulation. More...
class  PointCorr
 Container for point correspondences. More...
class  PointCorrAlgorithm
 Algorithm for defining point correspondences on a pair of images. More...
class  PointCorrespondenceController
 Controller for defining point correspondences. More...
class  PointCorrespondences
 Class that handles point correspondences. More...
class  PointCorrespondencesWidget
 Widget that displays point correspondences in a table with buttons that allows to add and remove correspondences. More...
class  PointDistanceReg
 Registers a point set to a distance volume. More...
class  PointNode
 Class representing a tree point node. More...
class  PointsOnData
 Interface class for points linked to Data. More...
class  PointsOnDataManipulator
 Interface class that handles creation and manipulation of points on Data. More...
class  PointsOnImage
 Class that hold a list of points on a volume or image. More...
class  PointsOnImageManipulator
 Class that handles creation and manipulation of points on a volume or image. More...
class  PointsStorageComponent
class  PointTree
 Data structure for trees with nodes containing a 3D point. More...
class  PoissonReconstructionAlgorithm
 Algorithm for computing poisson reconstruction from point cloud with normals. More...
class  PolyDataOutStream
 Mesh or point cloud stream which is sent by an OutputConnection through network or other ports. More...
class  PolyDataStream
 Base class for streams carrying polygonal data (point clouds or meshes) More...
class  PolyDataStreamData
 Base class for all polygonal data (point clouds or meshes) streamed from a streaming device. More...
class  PolyDataStreamVisualizationAlgorithm
 Algorithm for visualizing an incoming polydata stream. More...
class  PolyRigidDeformationAlgorithm
 Set up a poly-rigid deformation on a volume and multiple labels. More...
class  PolyRigidImageRegistration
 Registers two images with a non-linear poly-rigid deformation. More...
class  PopupMenuButton
 Extension of a QToolButton to which you can add a drop-down menu. More...
class  PoseGraphOptimization
 Pose graph optimization The first pose is the reference pose and will stay fixed, all other poses are free to change. More...
class  PoseGraphOptimizationAlgorithm
 Pose graph optimization using motion-averaging or graph-based least squares solver. More...
class  PoseHistory
 Class for keeping track of the poses of an image and provide undo/redo functionality. More...
class  Progress
 Generic interface to report operation/computation progress. More...
class  ProgressDialog
 QDialog-based progress reporter that shows one QProgressBar for each progress task. More...
class  Project
class  ProjectedAnatomicalStructure
class  ProjectHelpers
class  ProjectSortFilter
class  Properties
 Storage container for serialization of arbitrary types, internally backed by strings. More...
class  PropertiesInspector
 Small algorithm allowing the user to inspect a Data's properties and DataComponents. More...
class  PropertiesListWidget
 The PropertiesListWidget shows as sub-properties as a list. More...
class  PropertiesWidget
 The PropertiesWidget class provides a widget for Properties. More...
class  PureGyro
 Basic sensor fusion. More...
class  PythonInterpreter
 Starts an embedded Python interpreter and provides factories for registering algorithms from Python. More...
class  PythonInterpreterInterface
 Interface for the embedded PythonInterpreter that prevents linking to an explicit Python version. More...
class  PythonPlugin
 Enables Python bindings for the ImFusionLib. More...
class  PythonSettings
 Settings for the Python plugin. More...
class  QDebugAppender
class  QtKeyCanceller
class  QualityBarInteraction
 Implements mouse interaction logic for the QualityBarOverlay. More...
class  Radon2D
class  RangeImageIntegrationAlgorithm
 Robust range image integration. More...
class  RANSAC
 This class implements a more generalized form of "Random Sample Consensus" algorithm. More...
class  RANSACPairOfVectorsDataset
class  RawImageIoAlgorithm
 Algorithm for reading and writing raw image data. More...
class  RealSenseLiveTrackingAlgorithm
 Live tracking algorithm for spherical fiducials. More...
class  RealSenseStream
 Class for Intel RealSense sensors. More...
class  RealSenseStreamController
class  RealWorldMappingDataComponent
 The RealWorldMappingDataComponent stores information about an image's real world values. More...
class  RecentFilesMenu
 QtMenu that displays recent files and favourites. More...
class  RecentFileWidget
 Qt Widget to display recent files. More...
class  RecentItemsTableWidget
 This widget is a table showing a list of items recently used. More...
class  ReduceToSelection
 Algorithm reducing a SharedImageSet or TrackingSequence to its selected frames/samples. More...
class  RefineAction
struct  RegionOfInterest
class  RegistrationFromPredictionMapAlgorithm
 Algorithm to register two images based on prediction maps. More...
class  RegistrationInitAlgorithm
 Initialize the registration of two volumes by moving the second one. More...
class  RegistrationResultsAlgorithm
 Store registration results for data combinations. More...
class  RegPlugin
 Plugin for algorithms from Reg module. More...
class  Regression
 Abstract base class for regression. More...
class  Relocalization
 Interface for relocalization classes. More...
class  RelocalizationStack
 Stack for relocalization classes. More...
class  RemoteVideoStream
 Creates image stream which receives the Image data via network connection. More...
class  RemoveEdgesWidget
 Remove edges widget. More...
class  RemoveImageStreamModalityAlgorithm
 Remove the modality flag of an image stream. More...
class  RemoveModalityAlgorithm
 Remove the modality flag of an image data set. More...
class  RemoveSpacingAlgorithm
 Remove the spacing of an image data set. More...
class  RemoveUnlabelledImagesAlgorithm
 Algorithm reducing an image data set and its label maps to its labelled frames. More...
class  RendererFactory
 Static factory class to manage registered slice and volume renderers to be used in views. More...
class  ReorderLabelValuesAlgorithm
 Stacks fragmented values of a single channel UByte/UShort-typed labelmap inplace into consecutive integer values [0, ..., n]. More...
class  ReplaceValuesAction
class  ReplaceValuesAlgorithm
 Replace in-place a set of image values with others values. More...
class  Request
 Wrapper around libcurl for simple GET and POST requests WARNING: this is experimental and only available for the LicenseManager for the moment. More...
struct  Response
class  RGBDBackgroundImageRecorder
 Recorder for RGB-D recording immediately to hard disk. More...
class  RGBDCalibrationAlgorithm
 RGB-D camera calibration algorithm. More...
class  RGBDConversionAlgorithm
 RGB-D conversion algorithm. More...
class  RGBDDataComponent
class  RGBDDataComponentAlgorithm
 Algorithm for overwriting/saving/adding RGBDDataComponent. More...
class  RGBDFilePlugin
 Save and load RGB-D data. More...
class  RGBDFrame
 Class for representing RGBD image. More...
class  RGBDImageRecorder
 Record and compress RGB-D sequence. More...
class  RGBDIoAlgorithm
 Algorithm for opening RGB-D data streams. More...
class  RGBDIoController
 Controller for selecting RGB-D streams. More...
class  RGBDMultiSequence
 Collection of RGB-D sequences. More...
class  RGBDPlayback
 Playback of stored RGB-D sequences. More...
class  RGBDPlaybackExtractionAlgorithm
 Algorithm to extract depth, color images, pointclouds and sequences from RGBD Playback. More...
class  RGBDPlaybackSynchronizer
 Mangages synchronization of RGBDPlaybacks (assuming one RGBDSequence per playback) More...
class  RGBDPropertiesAlgorithm
 Algorithm to change properties of an RGBD stream. More...
class  RGBDReconstructionAlgorithm
 Algorithm for surface reconstruction from RGB-D data. More...
class  RGBDReconstructionCallback
class  RGBDRelocalization
 Performs RGB-D RGBDRelocalization. More...
class  RGBDSequence
 Interface for a single sequence of RGB-D images. More...
class  RGBDSequenceBag
 Implementation of the RGBDSequence for a BAG file. More...
class  RGBDSequenceImage
 Implementation of the RGBDSequence for sequences that are hold in memory through SharedImageSets. More...
class  RGBDSequenceIoAlgorithm
 Algorithm for RGBD sequences. More...
class  RGBDSequenceRfs
 Implementation of the RGBDSequence for sequences that are loaded from rfs file. More...
class  RGBDSequenceTum
 Implementation of the RGBDSequence for sequences in TUM/ETH3D format. More...
class  RGBDSimulationAlgorithm
 Algorithm for RGB-D data simulation. More...
class  RGBDStream
 Base class for RGB-D streams. More...
class  RGBDStreamController
 Controller for RGBD Streams. More...
class  RGBDStreamFactory
class  RGBDStreamRecorderAlgorithm
 Algorithm for recording RGB-D streams. More...
class  RGBDTumSequenceIo
 Save and load RGB-D data from TUM RGB-D sequences. More...
class  RGBDTumSequenceIoAlgorithm
 Algorithm for reading the Tum Sequence with the RGBDTumSequenceIoAlgoritm. More...
class  RIDEFeatureDetector
class  RigidMatrixParameterWrapper
 Implementation of the ParameterOptimization interface to 6-dof rigid matrix. More...
class  RigidMatrixVectorParameterWrapper
 Implementation of the ParameterOptimization interface to a vector of rigid matrices. More...
class  RmseAlgorithm
 Computation of Root Mean Square Error of two SharedImageSets. More...
class  RollingGuidanceFilterAlgorithm
 Algorithm for Rolling Guidance Filtering. More...
class  RTStructureAnnotation
 Annotation that renders a PointCloud with a RTStructureDataComponent. More...
class  RTStructureToLabelMap
 Algorithm to convert a PointCloud with a Dicom::RTStructureDataComponent datacomponent to a labelmap. More...
class  RTStructureToLabelMapController
 Controller that allows to select a reference volume for the RTStructureToLabelMap algorithm. More...
class  RunAlgorithmAction
class  Sacrum
class  ScalarParameterParameterWrapper
 Implementation of the ParameterOptimization interface to a single parameter of C++ type Parameter<double>. More...
class  ScalarParameterWrapper
 Wrap a single scalar into a ParameterWrapperBase instance. More...
struct  ScaledIso3
 Class for representing uniformly scaled elements of E(3), where E(3) is the Euclidean group, i.e linear transformations that are isometries on R^3 Strictly speaking, such transformations are defined by a scaling (around the origin), translation, and a rotation around the origin. More...
class  ScalingExpr
class  SectionWidget
 The SectionWidget provides a way to group widgets in vertical sections. More...
class  Seekable
class  SeekableStream
struct  SegmentationInputData
 } More...
class  SegmentationReductionsAlgorithm
 Computes basic image reductions of segmentation images, for instance vessel segmentations, including center of gravity and area. More...
class  SegPlugin
 Plugin for algorithms from Seg module. More...
class  Selectable
 Interface for Data that supports having a Selection. More...
class  SelectFileTypeDialog
 Dialog for opening files without specified type. More...
class  Selection
 Utility class for describing a selection of elements out of a set. More...
class  SelectionScrollBar
 Custom scrollbar to visualize data selection. More...
class  SelectionWidget
 Widget and scrollbar for handling selection and playback of data. More...
class  SensorController
class  SensorControllerFactory
class  SensorSelectionDialog
 Dialog for selecting sensors. More...
class  SequenceFilteringAlgorithm
 Algorithm for filtering sequence to remove static overlays (such as watermarks) More...
class  SequentialImageProcessor
 Interface for algorithms that are able to repeatedly process individual images. More...
class  SetImageStreamModalityAlgorithm
 Sets the modality flag of an image stream. More...
class  SetModalityAlgorithm
 Sets the modality flag of an image data set. More...
class  SetModalityController
 Controller for setting the modality flag of an image data instance. More...
class  SetSpacingAlgorithm
 Sets the spacing of an image data set. More...
class  Settings
 This class provides a way for getting and setting base settings for ImFusionLib. More...
class  SettingsDialog
 Presents a GUI dialog to configure the global settings. More...
struct  SettingsDialogResult
class  ShapeRegistrationAlgorithm
class  SharedImage
 Image shared on multiple devices. More...
class  SharedImageArithmeticAlgorithm
 ImageMath algorithm class. More...
class  SharedImageRingBuffer
 Holds a vector of shared_ptr<SharedImage>, which can be used alternatively to avoid reallocation It provides methods to get the next buffer which is not held by some other listener as well, and can be hence written into. More...
class  SharedImageSet
 Set of images independent of their storage location. More...
class  SharedImageSetDisplayHandler
 Shows regular SharedImageSet instances (no derivatives) in ImageView2D and ImageView3D. More...
class  ShiTomasiFeatureDetector
class  SIFTFeatureDetector
class  SignalBase
 Base interface for Signals. More...
class  SignalBlocker
 Convenient scope guard class to temporarily block signals/connections so that observers are not notified. More...
class  SignalConnection
 Structure for describing/identifying individual connections between signals and slots. More...
class  SignalImpl
 Implementation for a specific signal with the given signature. More...
struct  SignalMutexProxy
struct  SignalMutexProxy< false >
struct  SignalMutexProxy< true >
class  SignalReceiver
 Base class for classes that can contain slots (i.e. More...
class  SimilarityMeasureDotProduct
class  SimilarityMeasureFactory
 The SimilarityMeasureFactory class provides a generic interface to any kind of SimilarityMeasure. More...
class  SimilarityMeasureImpl
 Base class of a similarity measure between two images. More...
class  SimilarityMeasureImplHistBased
class  SimilarityMeasureImplPixelWise
class  SimilarityMeasureLC2
class  SimilarityMeasureLC2_CPU
class  SimilarityMeasureLC2_GPU
class  SimilarityMeasureLNCC
class  SimilarityMeasureLNCC_CPU
class  SimilarityMeasureLNCC_GL
class  SimilarityMeasureMI
 Computes the Mutual Information of two images. More...
class  SimilarityMeasureMI_CPU
 CPU implementation of Mutual Information. More...
class  SimilarityMeasureMI_GL
 GPU implementation of Mutual Information using modern OpenGL. More...
class  SimilarityMeasureML
 Machine Learning based similarity measure. More...
class  SimilarityMeasureNCC_CPU
class  SimilarityMeasureNCC_GL
class  SimilarityMeasureNGF_GL
class  SimilarityMeasurePatchBased_GL
 Helper class for patch based similarity measures. More...
class  SimilarityMeasurePixelWise_CPU
class  SimilarityMeasurePixelWise_GL
class  SimilarityMeasureSAD_CPU
class  SimilarityMeasureSAD_GL
class  SimilarityMeasureSSD_CPU
class  SimilarityMeasureSSD_GL
class  SimilarityMeasureSSIM
class  SimilarityMeasureSSIM_CPU
class  SimilarityMeasureSSIM_GL
class  SimilarityMeasureTester
class  SimilarityMeasureWrapper
 Wrapper for safe and configurable use of various similarity measures. More...
class  SimulatorFrame
class  SimulatorRenderer
class  Singleton
class  Skeletonization
 Skeletonization in 2D and 3D see [Lee TC, Kashyap RL, Chu CN. More...
class  SkinSegmentationAlgorithm
 Segment the skin surface from a CT or MRI volume. More...
class  SkippingMask
 Basic mask where only every N-th pixel is considered inside. More...
class  Slice
 Represents a planar bounded slice in 3D space. More...
class  SliceInterpolationAction
class  SliceManipulator
 Interaction for slices. More...
class  SmartSplineManipulator
 Manipulator for smart spline annotations. More...
class  SmoothMeshWidget
 Smooth mesh widget. More...
class  SpineAlgorithmAdapterInterface
struct  SpineAlgorithmWidget
class  SpineBaseAlgorithm
 Spine localisation / classification and segmentation algorithm. More...
class  SpineBaseAlgorithmImpl
class  SpineBaseController
 Controller for Spine Algorithms. More...
class  SpineBinaryMetricInterface
 } More...
struct  SpineCache
class  SpineClassificationEvaluation
class  SpineControllerFactory
 Factory for the spine workflow controllers. More...
class  SpineData
 Container for set of vertebrae and other spine-related metadata The SpineData class is the main Data type of the ImFusion SpinePlugin. More...
class  SpineDataAnnotationFactory
 Factory for the spine workflow controllers. More...
class  SpineDataImFusionFilePlugin
class  SpineDataVisualiser
 Specialization of the AnatomicalStructureCollection class for SpineData. More...
class  SpineDiceMetric
class  SpineEvaluation
class  SpineEvaluationIterator
 Base class iterator for individual scans and their label/meta data Lets its subclasses handle the loading. More...
class  SpineF1Metric
class  SpineFromMultiLabelAlgorithm
class  SpineLocalization2DAlgorithm
 Localization algorithm that detects vertebrae and other structures in X-Ray images. More...
class  SpineLocalizationEvaluation
class  SpineMeshCurvatureAlgorithm
class  SpineMeshCurvatureController
class  SpinePlugin
 Plugin class responsible for initializing all spine related components. More...
class  SpinePluginFactory
 Factory for the spine workflow algorithms. More...
class  SpinePolyRigidDeformation
 Set up a poly-rigid deformation on a volume and one or two AnatomicalStructureCollection objects. More...
class  SpinePolyRigidRegistration
class  SpinePrecisionMetric
class  SpineRecallMetric
class  SpineSegmentationEvaluation
class  SpineSegmentationMetricInterface
 Segmentation metrics {. More...
class  SpineSurfaceDistanceMetric
class  Spline
 Uniform Catmull-Rom spline. More...
class  SplineLabelPainterAlgorithm
 Algorithm for executing the label painter on an image guided by a spline. More...
class  SplineLabelPainterAlgorithmController
 Controller for SplineLabelPainterAlgorithm. More...
class  SplineSlicingAlgorithm
 Creates slices orthogonal to a spline and exports them to an image set. More...
class  SplineSlicingController
 Minimal controller for spline slicing algorithm. Required to get spline. More...
class  SplitASCSetAlgorithm
 Algorithm to split an ASCSet into AnatomicalStructureCollections. More...
class  SplitChannelsAlgorithm
 Splits a single multi channel image into a set of single channel images. More...
class  SplitImagesAlgorithm
 Algorithm to split images into a set of subimages. More...
class  SplitImageSetAlgorithm
 Algorithm to split an image set into multiple single images. More...
class  SquareHoughTransform
 Hough transform for detecting squares. More...
struct  Statistics
class  StereoBlockMatchingReconstruction
class  StereoCGIReconstruction
class  StereoFiducialMatching
 Matches circular fiducials between a pair of stereo images and computes the 3D coordinates of the fiducials. More...
class  StereoReconstruction
 Base class for stereo reconstruction algorithms producing disparity maps. More...
class  StereoReconstructionFactory
class  StereoReconstructionRAFT
class  StereoRectification
 Performs stereo rectification und unrectification on images. More...
class  StereoRectificationAlgorithm
 Stereo Rectification Algorithm. More...
class  StereoSemiGlobalBlockMatchingReconstruction
class  Stream
 Virtual base class for all streams. More...
class  StreamAlgorithm
 Algorithm dedicated to creating streams that are not IO streams. More...
class  StreamAlgorithmBase
 Interface for algorithms that work on streams. More...
class  StreamAlgorithmControllerFactory
class  StreamAlgorithmExecutor
 Generic algorithm that allows the execution of arbitrary algorithms on each image coming in through an image stream. More...
class  StreamAlgorithmExecutorController
class  StreamAlgorithmFactory
class  StreamController
 Controller for manipulating streams. More...
class  StreamControllerBase
 Base AlgorithmController for creating controllers of streaming algorithms. More...
class  StreamData
 Base class for all data streamed from a streaming device. More...
class  StreamDataAnnotationFactory
class  StreamForwarder
 Transfers stream data from an input stream to an output stream. More...
class  StreamFps
 Frames per second computation for a stream. More...
class  StreamIoAlgorithm
 Algorithm dedicated to creating IO streams. More...
class  StreamIoController
 Controller for streaming videos. More...
class  StreamPlugin
class  StreamRecorder
 Abstract base class for stream recorders. More...
class  StreamRecorderAlgorithm
 Algorithm for recording and optionally synchronizing an arbitary number of image streams and tracking streams. More...
class  StreamRecorderController
 Controller for recording and synchronizing an arbitrary number of streams. More...
class  StreamSharedImageSet
 Wrapper around a streamed SharedImageSet. More...
class  StreamToVideoRecorder
class  StringParamControl
 Represent a ParamType::String with a QLineEdit. More...
class  StyledMessageBox
class  SubProgress
 Wrapper class to report partial progress on an existing Task. More...
class  SubProperty
 The SubProperty class represents a nested record of a Configurable entity. More...
class  SummedAreaTable
 Class for efficient box average using a summed area table. More...
class  Superpixel
 Class representing a superpixel. More...
class  SuperpixelsAlgorithm
 Algorithm for computing superpixels (SLIC method) More...
class  SuperpixelsFilter
 Algorithm for image filtering guided by superpixels. More...
class  SurfaceReconstruction
 Surface reconstruction interface. More...
class  SurfaceReconstructionData
 Surface reconstruction data model. More...
class  SurfaceReconstructionDataListener
 Listener for changes to surface reconstruction data model. More...
class  SurfaceReconstructionGPU
 Surface reconstruction from depth data. More...
class  SurfaceRegistration
 Surface registration using a distance volume. More...
class  SurfaceToVolumeRegistrationAlgorithm
 Algorithm for surface scan to volume registration. More...
class  SurfEmb
 6D pose estimation from color images using the SurfEmb model. More...
class  SurgicalToolLocalizationAlgorithm
 Algorithm for 6 DoF object pose of surgical tools on frame point clouds using object meshes. More...
class  SynchronizeMemGlAlgorithm
 Manually synchronize CPU and OpenGL copies of an image. More...
class  SyntheticDataAlgorithm
 Creates synthetic data for various test scenarios. More...
class  Table
 A 2D table with named columns, containing strings and numbers. More...
struct  TableModelView
 Represents a QTableView, and the container ItemViewWidget. The model can be accessed in ItemViewWidget::model or QTableView::model. More...
class  TableQModel
class  TagFilterDropDown
class  TagFilterState
class  TagsEditor
class  TagSelector
class  TagSystem
struct  TagType
union  TagValue
class  TagValues
class  TemplateDeformationAction
class  TemporaryDataComponent
 Specialization of DataComponentBase that disables serialization, copying and assignment. More...
class  Tensor
 Data class for strongly typed dense tensors of fixed rank and data type. More...
class  TensorBase
 Abstract base class for Tensors. More...
class  TensorFactory
 Factory for creating standard type tensors up to a certain maximum rank. More...
class  TensorFrequencyFilteringAlgorithm
class  TensorIoAlgorithm
 IO algorithm for moving tensors to and from binary files. More...
class  TensorLocalAverageAlgorithm
class  Test
 Type-independent base class for representing tests. More...
class  TestException
 Exception class for terminating failing tests. More...
class  TestFixture
 Base class for a test fixture. Derive from this class to implement your own tests. More...
class  TestPlugin
 Plugin for algorithms from Seg module. More...
class  TestRegistry
 Manages tests. More...
class  TestRunner
 Represents one single test inside a test fixture. More...
class  TestSuite
 Represents a set of related tests. More...
class  TexturingAlgorithm
class  ThresholdingAction
class  ThresholdingFiducialExtractionAlgorithm
 Extract fiducials from 2D IR images by thresholding and weighted average. More...
class  ThresholdingFiducialExtractionController
 Controller to extract fiducials from 2D IR images by thresholding and weighted average. More...
class  ThumbnailLoader
class  ThumbnailManager
 The ThumbnailManager class generates and manages thumbnails for a data instances. More...
class  TiffIO
 Class for reading and writing TIFF images. More...
class  Timer
 Stopwatch class to measure execution time. More...
class  TimestampDataComponent
 Data component to record both arrival and device timestamps, intended for element-wise usage. More...
struct  TimestampedPayload
 Helper struct uses as container for the BackgroundThreadQueue data elements. More...
class  ToolCalibrationAlgorithm
 Algorithm for various tracking-based tool calibrations. More...
class  ToolCalibrationController
class  ToolVisualizationAlgorithm
 Algorithm for the visualization of tools such as needles in MPRs and 3D view. More...
class  ToolVisualizationController
 Controller for the visualization of tools such as needles in MPRs and 3D view. More...
class  TotalSegmentatorAction
 Provides an action that can run TotalSegmentator and map the resulting labels to the project. More...
class  TotalSegmentatorAlgorithm
 Algorithm running the TotalSegmentator models to segment full-body CT scans. More...
class  TotalSegmentatorControllerFactory
 Factory for the spine workflow controllers. More...
class  TotalSegmentatorPlugin
 Plugin with all algorithms related to TotalSegmentator. More...
class  TotalSegmentatorPluginFactory
 Factory for the spine workflow algorithms. More...
struct  TouchActions
 Specifies actions with one-finger and two-fingers gestures. More...
class  TPSImageRegistration
 Registers two images with a non-linear deformation based on TPSs. More...
class  TrackedImageSetImFusionFilePlugin
 Plugin for loading tracked image sets via ImFusion files. More...
class  TrackedRGBDStreamRecorderAlgorithm
 Algorithm for recording RGBD stream with an external tracker. More...
class  TrackedSharedImageSet
 Container class for image data with arbitrarily sampled tracking data. More...
class  TrackedSharedImageSetDisplayDataController
 GUI controller for adjusting TrackedSharedImageSet visualization. More...
class  TrackedSharedImageSetProperties
 Dialog for adjusting properties of a tracked shared image set. More...
class  TrackedSharedImageSetPropertiesAlgorithm
 Algorithm to change properties of one or multiple tracked SharedImageSets, or a single TrackingSequence. More...
class  TrackerID
 Class identifying a tracker via a unique ID. More...
class  TrackingInstrument
 Class for information of a tracking instrument. More...
class  TrackingInstrumentFiducialsData
 Data component to store raw fiducial locations from optical tracking sequences. More...
class  TrackingInstrumentRawData
 Device-dependent additional data. More...
class  TrackingOutStream
 Stream of tracking data which is sent by an OutputConnection through network or other ports. More...
class  TrackingSequence
 Sequence of rigid tracking data with optional timestamps, quality values and flags. More...
class  TrackingSequenceComparisonAlgorithm
 Algorithm to compare two TrackingSequences in terms of relative pose error (RPE) and absolute trajectory error (ATE) references, More...
class  TrackingSequenceDisplayHandler
 DataDisplayHandler for TrackingSequence Data Creates and owns an InteractiveObject comprised of GlTrackingSequence and MeshManipulator. More...
class  TrackingSequenceIO
 IO class to (de)serialize TrackingSequence objects. More...
class  TrackingSequenceProcessing
 Basic tracking sequence filtering algorithm. More...
class  TrackingSequenceTableDialog
struct  TrackingSequenceTableParameters
class  TrackingStreamData
 Class for incoming tracking data from a tracking stream. More...
class  TrackingStreamRecorder
 Algorithm for recording a live tracking stream. More...
class  TrackingStreamVisualizationAlgorithm
 Algorithm for visualizing an incoming tracking stream. More...
class  TransferFunction
 Modern 1D transfer function for classification during rendering. More...
class  TransferFunctionDisplayWidget
 Qt Widget for displaying an overview of a transfer function and providing basic interaction. More...
struct  TransferFunctionFactory
 Collection of factory functions for transfer function presets. More...
class  TransferFunctionTissue
 Describes a single tissue of a transfer function. More...
class  TransferFunctionWidget
 Widget for setting up a transfer function. More...
class  Transform
 The Transform class provides a transformation from a Frame to another Frame, where each Frame is a coordinate system. More...
class  TransformationMatrixWidget
 Widget to transform a matrix, with global/local and toWorld/fromWorld modifiers. More...
class  TransformationModifierDialog
 Shows the MatrixParameterDialog to edit a transformation matrix. More...
class  TransformationStashDataComponent
 The TransformationStashDataComponent class is a DataComponent that stores transformations. More...
class  Tree
 Data structure for trees. More...
class  TreeFactory
 Tree factory base class. More...
class  TreeIoAlgorithm
 Algorithm for reading and writing trees. More...
class  TriMesh
struct  TriMeshTraits
class  TypedImage
 Concrete implementation of a MemImage for a given pixel type. More...
class  TypedNode
 Class representing a typed tree node. More...
class  TypedTree
 Data structure for typed trees. More...
class  UndoAction
class  UnpackVideoIoAlgorithm
 Derived class for different factory name when reading. More...
class  UnrestoredDataComponents
 DataComponent containing the configurations of other components that could not be restored during loading. More...
class  UpdateChecker
class  Vec3Widget
 Widget to represent a vec3 type. More...
class  Vector
 Class representing a vector, defined in a Frame. More...
class  VectorDataComponent
class  VectorExpr
class  VectorFieldFlow
 Class for computing solutions to (autonomous) ordinary differential equations (ODEs) Currently only supports the classical 4th-order explicit Runge-Kutta method with fixed stepsize. More...
class  VectorParameterWrapper
 Implementation of the ParameterOptimization interface to a vector of scalars. More...
class  VertebraDissectionAlgorithm
 Algorithm for extracting structures of interest from an instance of SpineData The structures are extracted by performing a deformable mesh registration of a template structure onto the given input SpineData. More...
class  VertebraDissectionLegacyAlgorithm
 Algorithm to dissect a vertebra segmentation into individual parts. More...
class  VertebraDissectionLegacyController
 Controller for the VertebraDissectionLegacyAlgorithm. More...
struct  VertebraEvaluationInstance
 instance of vertebra for segmentation evaluation More...
class  VertexExpr
class  VideoCameraIoFactory
 Factory for VideoCameraStreams used by the framework, in particular the VideoStreamIoAlgorithm and associated controller. More...
class  VideoCameraStream
 Interface for video streams from cameras Derived classes must override setFormat and setDeviceByIndex (and call the base class versions from there), as well as enumerateDevices. More...
class  VideoCameraStreamOpenCV
 Stream for videos This is supposed to be created by the corresponding IO algorithm. More...
class  VideoCameraStreamOpenPnp
 Stream for videos This is supposed to be created by the corresponding IO algorithm. More...
class  VideoCameraStreamPropertiesInspector
 Specialization of PropertiesInspector for use with live camera streams. More...
class  VideoCameraStreamPropertiesInspectorController
 Controller of the VideoCameraStreamPropertiesInspector algorithm. More...
class  VideoDecoder
 VideoDecoder is responsible of processing the received ByteBuffer which contains the image data. More...
class  VideoEncoder
class  VideoFileIoAlgorithm
 Derived class for different factory name when writing. More...
class  VideoFileRecorder
class  VideoIoAlgorithm
 Algorithm for reading video files as image set, and writing them. More...
class  VideoStreamBackendOpenCV
 Backend for OpenCV based video streams Virtual base class that handles most of the functionality of an OpenCV based stream. More...
class  VideoStreamIoAlgorithm
 IO Algorithm for streaming videos. More...
class  VideoStreamIoAlgorithmHelper
class  VideoUrlIoAlgorithm
struct  ViewerMetadata
class  ViewGroup
 Non-owning container of multiple views that share and sync properties with each other. More...
class  ViewInteraction
 Base class for all view interactions. More...
class  ViewInteractionSettings
 Class responsible for serializing and deserializing ViewInteraction::viewActionMapGlobal.
class  ViewLayoutWidget
 The ViewLayoutWidget class provides controls to show/hide views and change the layout. More...
class  VisionPlugin
 Plugin for Vision algorithms. More...
class  VitalsDataComponent
 DataComponent for a collection of time dependent vital signs like ECG, heart rate or pulse oximeter measurements. More...
class  VolumeBasedMeshCurvatureAlgorithm
 Algorithm to compute curvature measures (mean curvature, Gaussian curvature, curvedness and shape index) of a mesh based on its implicit surface representation as signed distance volume. More...
class  VolumeBasedMeshCurvatureController
class  VolumeBasedMeshRegistrationAlgorithm
 Calculates a deformable registration between two meshes by calculating a deformable registration between distance volumes. More...
class  VolumeBasedMeshRegistrationController
class  VolumeFreeformCroppingAlgorithm
 Algorithm to crop a volume using a freeform selection. More...
class  VolumeSettings
class  WatershedComputer
class  WatershedSegmentationAlgorithm
 Watershed segmentation algorithm. More...
class  Workspace
 Workspaces allow for restoring a session or automate the execution of a series of data loading and algorithms in a similar fashion as scripting. More...
struct  WorkspaceConversionFunction
 Structure to describe a conversion of workspace files between different versions. More...
class  WorkspaceConversionRegistry
 Singleton to manage registered workspace conversion functions and apply them to workspace file. More...
class  WorkspacePlaceholdersDialog
 Dialog allowing the user to specify missing values for workspace placeholders. More...
class  YolactObjectDetection
 Object detection. More...
class  YolactObjectDetectionAlgorithm
 Algorithm for object detection. More...
class  YolactObjectDetectionController
class  ZipFileHandler
 Automatically extracts a ZIP archive to a temporary folder for loading. More...
class  ZipIoAlgorithm
 Loads data from a ZIP archive. More...


using PropertyList = std::vector< Properties * >
template<typename... ArgTypes>
using Signal = SignalImpl< false, ArgTypes... >
 Alias for a non-protected signal, which is reentrant but not thread-safe.
template<typename... ArgTypes>
using ProtectedSignal = SignalImpl< true, ArgTypes... >
 Alias for a protected signal, which is thread-safe.
typedef MeshIterator< VertexIteratorImpl > VertexIterator
typedef MeshIterator< FaceIteratorImpl > FaceIterator
typedef MeshIteratorRel< VertexVertexIteratorImpl > VertexVertexIterator
typedef MeshIteratorRel< VertexFaceIteratorImpl > VertexFaceIterator
typedef MeshIteratorRel< FaceVertexIteratorImpl > FaceVertexIterator
typedef MeshIteratorRel< FaceFaceIteratorImpl > FaceFaceIterator
typedef FreeFormDeformation GlFFDeformation
typedef GL::ObjectPicking GlObjectPicking
typedef std::pair< Qt::MouseButton, Qt::KeyboardModifiers > MouseAction
typedef std::map< ViewActionType, std::vector< MouseAction > > ViewActionMap
typedef DicomAlgorithmControllerFactory DicomIoAlgorithmControllerFactory
using IgtlType = std::string
using IgtlDeviceType = std::string
typedef US::AttachTrackingSequenceAlgorithm AttachTrackingSequenceAlgorithm
typedef US::AttachTrackingSequenceAlgorithm AttachTrackingStreamAlgorithm
typedef US::CalibrationMatrixWidget CalibrationMatrixWidget
typedef US::ConvertToSweep ConvertToSweep
typedef US::ExtractDoppler ExtractDoppler
typedef US::FanAnnotationManipulator FanAnnotationManipulator
typedef US::FanMask FanMask
typedef US::FrameGrabbingConfigComponent UltrasoundFrameGrabbingConfigComponent
typedef US::FrameGrabbingPresets UltrasoundFrameGrabbingPresets
typedef US::GeometryDetection UltrasoundGeometryDetection
typedef US::BaseGeometryDetectionAlgorithm BaseUltrasoundGeometryDetectionAlgorithm
typedef US::GeometryDetectionAlgorithm UltrasoundGeometryDetectionAlgorithm
typedef US::GeometryDetectionController UltrasoundGeometryDetectionController
typedef US::GlFanGeometry GlFanGeometry
typedef US::GlFanWireframe GlFanWireframe
typedef US::GlMultiSweepDeformation GlMultiSweepDeformation
typedef US::GlProbeDeformation GlProbeDeformation
typedef US::GlSliceRendererSweep GlSliceRendererSweep
typedef US::GlSweep3D GlSweep3D
typedef US::GlSweepCompounding GlSweepCompounding
typedef US::GlSweepReconstruction GlSweepReconstruction
typedef US::GlUltrasoundRuler GlUltrasoundRuler
typedef US::InteractiveFanAnnotation InteractiveFanAnnotation
typedef US::LabelCompoundingAlgorithm LabelCompoundingAlgorithm
typedef US::ManualSegmentationAlgorithm ManualSegmentationAlgorithm
typedef US::ManualSegmentationController ManualSegmentationController
typedef US::MergeSweepsAlgorithm MergeSweepsAlgorithm
typedef US::MotionTrajectoryModel MotionTrajectoryModel
typedef US::ComposedMotionModel ComposedMotionModel
typedef US::SimpleMotionModel SimpleMotionModel
typedef US::ParametricMotionModel ParametricMotionModel
typedef US::KeyframeMotionModel KeyframeMotionModel
typedef US::EveryFrameModel EveryFrameModel
typedef US::PiecewiseMotionModel PiecewiseMotionModel
typedef US::GatingMotionModel GatingMotionModel
typedef US::NeedleSweepCalibrationAlgorithm NeedleSweepCalibrationAlgorithm
typedef US::NeedleSweepCalibrationController NeedleSweepCalibrationController
typedef US::PointsOnSweepManipulator PointsOnSweepManipulator
typedef US::ProcessUltrasoundParameters ProcessUltrasoundParameters
typedef US::ProcessedFrame ProcessedFrame
typedef US::ProcessUltrasound ProcessUltrasound
typedef US::ProcessUltrasoundClip ProcessUltrasoundClip
typedef US::ProcessUltrasoundController ProcessUltrasoundController
using Frame = TypedImage< unsigned char >
typedef US::RemoveDuplicateFrames RemoveDuplicateFrames
typedef US::RFProcessingAlgorithm USRFProcessingAlgorithm
typedef US::ScanConversion ScanConversion
typedef US::ScanConversion3D ScanConversion3D
typedef US::SteeredCompounding SteeredCompounding
typedef US::SweepCalibrator USSweepCalibrator
typedef US::SweepCroppingAlgorithm SweepCroppingAlgorithm
typedef US::SweepDeformationEditor SweepDeformationEditor
typedef US::SweepDisplayDataController SweepDisplayDataController
typedef US::SweepFocusFramesRegistrationAlgorithm SweepFocusFramesRegistrationAlgorithm
typedef US::SweepMotion SweepMotion
typedef US::SweepOptimization SweepOptimization
typedef US::SweepProcessingAlgorithm SweepProcessingAlgorithm
typedef US::SweepProperties SweepProperties
typedef US::SweepPropertiesAlgorithm SweepPropertiesAlgorithm
typedef US::SweepToMeshAlgorithm UltrasoundSweepToMeshAlgorithm
typedef US::SweepTrajectoryAnalysisAlgorithm SweepTrajectoryAnalysisAlgorithm
typedef US::TrackingEstimationAlgorithmInterface TrackingEstimationAlgorithmInterface
typedef US::TrackingEstimationController TrackingEstimationController
typedef US::TrackingEvaluation UltrasoundTrackingEvaluation
typedef US::UltrasoundCalibrationInit USCalibrationInit
typedef US::UltrasoundGeometry UltrasoundGeometry
typedef US::UltrasoundMedium UltrasoundMedium
typedef US::UltrasoundMetadata UltrasoundMetadata
typedef US::UltrasoundSweep UltrasoundSweep
typedef US::UltrasoundSweepRingBuffer UltrasoundSweepRingBuffer
typedef US::USPluginSettings USPluginSettings
typedef US::VolumeReslicingAlgorithm VolumeReslicingAlgorithm
typedef US::RawDataComponent RawDataComponent
typedef US::UltrasoundSimulationHybrid UltrasoundSimulationHybrid
typedef US::BoneSegmentationAlgorithm UltrasoundBoneSegmentationAlgorithm
typedef US::BoneSegmentationBaseAlgorithm UltrasoundBoneSegmentationBaseAlgorithm
typedef US::BoneSegmentationController UltrasoundBoneSegmentationController
typedef US::GenerateDataForBoneExtentDetection GenerateDataForBoneExtentDetection
typedef US::GenerateDataForTrackingEstimation GenerateDataForTrackingEstimation
typedef US::LearningBasedTrackingEstimationAlgorithm LearningBasedTrackingEstimationAlgorithm
typedef US::SteeredCompoundingAlgorithm SteeredCompoundingAlgorithm
typedef US::ConfidenceMapAlgorithm USConfidenceMapAlgorithm
typedef US::RawDataAlgorithm UltrasoundRawDataAlgorithm
typedef US::RawDataController UltrasoundRawDataController
typedef US::VesselFromCenterlineAlgorithm VesselFromCenterlineAlgorithm
typedef US::VesselFromCenterlineController VesselFromCenterlineController
typedef US::ClProbeDeformation ClProbeDeformation
typedef US::JointSweepReconstructionAlgorithm JointSweepReconstructionAlgorithm
typedef US::Reconstruction2D3DAlgorithm US2D3DReconstructionAlgorithm
typedef US::SliceToVolumeRegistrationAlgorithm SliceToVolumeRegistrationAlgorithm
typedef US::SpeckleDecorrelationAlgorithm SpeckleDecorrelationAlgorithm
typedef US::SweepGlobalInitAlgorithm SweepGlobalInitAlgorithm
typedef US::SweepGlobalInitController SweepGlobalInitController
typedef US::SweepPointCorrAlgorithm SweepPointCorrAlgorithm
typedef US::SweepPointCorrController SweepPointCorrController
typedef US::UltrasoundCalibration UltrasoundCalibration
typedef US::UltrasoundCalibrationAnalysisController UltrasoundCalibrationAnalysisController
typedef US::UltrasoundRegistrationAlgorithm UltrasoundRegistrationAlgorithm
typedef US::UltrasoundSimulation UltrasoundSimulation
typedef US::UltrasoundDISARegistrationAlgorithm UltrasoundDISARegistrationAlgorithm
typedef US::UltrasoundDISARegistrationController UltrasoundDISARegistrationController
typedef US::UltrasoundConeCalibrationAlgorithm UltrasoundConeCalibrationAlgorithm
typedef US::FreehandUltrasoundWorkflowAlgorithm FreehandUSWorkflowAlgorithm
typedef US::FreehandUltrasoundWorkflowController FreehandUSWorkflowController
typedef US::InstrumentButtonListener InstrumentButtonListener
typedef US::LiveSweepRecordingVisualizationAlgorithm LiveSweepRecordingVisualizationAlgorithm
typedef US::LiveSweepRecordingVisualizationController LiveSweepRecordingVisualizationController
typedef US::LiveGeometryDetectionAlgorithm LiveUltrasoundGeometryDetectionAlgorithm
typedef US::ProcessedUltrasoundStream ProcessedUltrasoundStream
typedef US::ScreenTint ScreenTint
typedef US::SweepPlaybackAlgorithm SweepPlaybackAlgorithm
typedef US::SweepRecorderAlgorithm USSweepRecorderAlgorithm
typedef US::SweepRecorderController USSweepRecorderController
typedef US::FrameGrabbingAlgorithm UltrasoundFrameGrabbingAlgorithm
typedef US::RoiAnnotationsWidget RoiAnnotationsWidget
typedef US::RecordingWidget RecordingWidget
typedef US::PresetsTable PresetsTable
typedef US::FrameGrabbingController UltrasoundFrameGrabbingController
typedef US::StreamDisplayDataController UltrasoundStreamDisplayDataController
typedef US::LiveSweepTrackingEstimationAlgorithm LiveSweepTrackingEstimationAlgorithm
typedef US::LiveSweepTrackingEstimationController LiveSweepTrackingEstimationController
typedef US::BoneSegmentationStreamAlgorithm UltrasoundBoneSegmentationStreamAlgorithm
typedef US::BoneSegmentationStreamController UltrasoundBoneSegmentationStreamController
typedef US::UltrasoundCalibrationWizard UltrasoundCalibrationWizard
typedef US::TrackingEstimationWorkflowAlgorithm TrackingEstimationUSWorkflowAlgorithm
typedef US::TrackingEstimationWorkflowController TrackingEstimationUSWorkflowController
using Landmarks = std::vector< std::vector< Landmark > >
using BoundingBoxes = std::vector< std::vector< BoundingBox > >
template<typename StoredObjType , typename GlObjType , typename DataType = AnatomicalStructure>
using KeyValueStoreDisplayHelper = KeyValueStoreVisualiser< StoredObjType, GlObjType, DataType >
template<typename DataType >
using KeyValueStoreDisplayHelperParent = KeyValueStoreVisualiserParent< DataType >
typedef std::vector< std::vector< std::tuple< vec3, double > > > ClusterResult
using LoadIdealSpineAlgorithm = LoadSpineTemplateAlgorithm
using SpineDataProjectionAlgorithm = ASCProjectionAlgorithm
using SpineDataProjectionController = ASCProjectionController


enum class  ReductionMode { Lookup = 0 , Average = 1 , Minimum = 2 , Maximum = 3 }
 Mode for image reduction (e.g. downsampling, resampling, binning) More...
enum class  InterpolationMode { Nearest = 0 , Linear = 1 }
 Mode for image interpolation. More...
enum class  SpacingMode { Exact = 0 , Adjust = 1 }
 Mode for spacing adjustment, e.g. when the physical extent would change after resampling. More...
enum class  PaddingMode { Zero = 0 , Mirror = 1 , Clamp = 2 }
 Mode for image padding. More...
enum class  PixelType {
  Byte = 0x1400 , UByte = 0x1401 , Short = 0x1402 , UShort = 0x1403 ,
  Int = 0x1404 , UInt = 0x1405 , Float = 0x1406 , Double = 0x140A ,
  HFloat = 0x140B
 Pixel/voxel data type, numerical value equivalent to OpenGL defines.
enum  ViewActionType {
  WINDOW = 8 , BLEND = 9
 Basic actions which are applied on the views. More...
enum  Device { Device_CPU , Device_GL }
 Enumeration for different computation devices.
enum  LabelingMode { DRAW , FLOODFILL }
enum class  MLEngine { Torch , ONNX , TensorRT }
enum class  ModelPrecision { FP16 , FP32 }
enum class  ASVisibilityMode {
  Visible , NotVisible , NotSelected , FocusSelected ,
enum class  VertebraType {


template<typename T >
bool operator== (const Parameter< T > &param, const T &value)
template<typename T >
bool operator== (const T &value, const Parameter< T > &param)
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (const Parameter< T > &param, const T &value)
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (const T &value, const Parameter< T > &param)
void reset ()
bool operator== (Anatomy lhs, Anatomy rhs)
bool operator< (Anatomy lhs, Anatomy rhs)
std::istreamoperator>> (std::istream &in, BinarySerializable &bs)
 Deserializes a string in Base64 encoding using the BinarySerializable::loadFromBuffer() method.
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &out, const BinarySerializable &bs)
 Serializes to a string in Base64 encodin using the BinarySerializable::saveToBuffer() method.
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &o, const Bounds &b)
bool operator== (const Image &lhs, const Image &rhs)
bool operator!= (const Image &lhs, const Image &rhs)
PaddingMode stringToPaddingMode (const std::string &s)
std::string paddingModeToString (PaddingMode mode)
bool operator== (const ImageDescriptor &lhs, const ImageDescriptor &rhs) noexcept
 Performs an exact comparison of all members of the two ImageDescriptors.
bool operator!= (const ImageDescriptor &lhs, const ImageDescriptor &rhs) noexcept
 Performs an exact comparison of all members of the two ImageDescriptors.
template<typename T >
Statistics calculateStatistics (const std::vector< T > &values)
 calculate statistics of the provided vector
Statistics calculateStatistics (const MemImage *image)
 calculate statistics of the provided image
std::vector< StatisticscalculateStatisticsPerChannel (const MemImage *image)
 calculate statistics for each channel of the provided image
std::vector< std::unordered_map< int, Statistics > > computeLabelStatistics (const SharedImageSet *sisImage, const std::vector< const SharedImageSet * > &sisLabelMaps, std::function< double(double)> intensityMapping, int channel=0, Progress *progress=nullptr)
 Collect the statistics for an image with multiple labels.
std::vector< std::unordered_map< int, Statistics > > computeLabelStatistics (const SharedImageSet *sisImage, const std::vector< const SharedImageSet * > &sisLabelMaps, bool useRealWorldValues=false, int channel=0, Progress *progress=nullptr)
 If useRealWorldValues is true, calls computeLabelStatistics with a mapping for the first mapping in the RealWorldMappingDataComponent.
std::vector< std::unordered_map< int, Statistics > > computeLabelStatisticsGPU (const SharedImageSet *sisImage, const std::vector< const SharedImageSet * > &sisLabelMaps, Progress *progress=nullptr)
 Collect the statistics for an image with with multiple labels.
template<typename T >
void registerAlgorithm (const std::string &name)
 Registers an IO algorithm.
std::string idFromExtension (const std::string &extension) const
 Returns the first IO Algorithm ID that supports the given file extension.
std::vector< std::stringidsFromExtension (const std::string &extension) const
 Returns all IO Algorithm IDs that support the given file extension.
std::vector< std::stringallSupportedExtensions () const
 Returns a vector of all supported file extensions.
template<typename... Ts>
std::unique_ptr< ParameterWrapperBasemakeCombinedParameterOptimization (Ts &&... args)
template<typename Scalar , int Dim>
PCA< Scalar, Dim > computePCA (const std::vector< Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Dim, 1 > > &points, bool scalePoints=true)
 Computes PCA on a vector of points. Optional point scaling for stability.
template<typename Scalar , int Dim>
PCA< Scalar, Dim > computePCA (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Dim > &points, bool scalePoints=true)
 Computes PCA on a vector of points given by the rows of a matrix. Optional point scaling for stability.
double computeTrackingDelay (const TrackingSequence &tr1, const TrackingSequence &tr2, double rotationWeight=1.0, double translationWeight=0.1)
 Computes the temporal offset between 2 tracking sequences describing the same real world motion.
template<typename T , typename UnaryFunction >
void forEachComponent (TypedImage< T > &image, UnaryFunction &&func)
 Apply an arbitrary function to each component of an image.
std::unique_ptr< SharedImageSetRadon2DForward ()
DisplayWidgetMulti::LayoutFeatures operator| (DisplayWidgetMulti::LayoutFeatures a, DisplayWidgetMulti::LayoutFeatures b)
ParamControlcreateDefaultParamControl (Properties::ParamType type, const std::vector< Properties::Attribute > &attributes, const std::string &name, QWidget *init=nullptr, QWidget *parent=nullptr)
 Creates the default ParamControl for the given type.
doctest::String toString (const MemImage &image)
 Format a MemImage in a more informative way.
template<typename T >
doctest::String toString (const TypedImage< T > &image)
ImageRegistration::PreprocessingOptions operator| (ImageRegistration::PreprocessingOptions a, ImageRegistration::PreprocessingOptions b)
ImageRegistration::PreprocessingOptions operator& (ImageRegistration::PreprocessingOptions a, ImageRegistration::PreprocessingOptions b)
ImageRegistration::PreprocessingOptions operator~ (ImageRegistration::PreprocessingOptions a)
ImageMetadata imageMetadataFromImageSet (const SharedImageSet &sis)
std::vector< std::stringdefaultDatasetGrouping (const std::string &patientId, const std::string &patientName, const std::string &studyInstanceUID, const std::string &studyDescription, const std::string &studyDate, const std::string &seriesInstanceUID, const std::string &seriesDescription, const std::string &seriesDate)
int start (int argc, char **argv)
std::optional< SettingsDialogResultsettingsDialog (const Project *project, bool readOnly, QWidget *parent=nullptr)
std::optional< SettingsDialogResultremoteProjectSettingsDialog (const std::string &serverUrl, const AccessToken &accessToken, const std::unordered_set< std::string > &usedProjectNames, const std::string &serverVersion, QWidget *parent)
 Opens a dialog for creating a remote project.
void genericPaintFunction (QPainter &painter, const QRect &rect, const std::optional< QColor > &background, QString name, QString licenseName, const std::vector< const QImage * > &images, const std::vector< TagValue > &tags, const std::vector< TagType > &tagSpec, const std::vector< const QIcon * > &icons, bool showTagText, int maxTagLines)
bool applyDeformation (const AnatomicalStructureCollection &in, const ASCDeformation &def, AnatomicalStructureCollection &out, bool createMissingObjects=true, bool createMissingAnatomicalStructures=false)
 Applies the deformation specified in def to in, and stores the result in out.
ASCDeformation averageDeformations (const std::vector< ASCDeformation > &vals, std::optional< std::vector< double > > weights, const AnatomicalStructureCollection *source)
ASCDeformation averageDeformations (const std::vector< const ASCDeformation * > &vals, std::optional< std::vector< double > > weights, const AnatomicalStructureCollection *source)
AnatomicalStructurePointwiseDeformation operator* (const ScaledIso3 &mat, const AnatomicalStructurePointwiseDeformation &def)
 Left group action by the group of scaled isometries.
AnatomicalStructureDeformation operator* (const ScaledIso3 &mat, const AnatomicalStructureDeformation &def)
bool applyDeformation (const AnatomicalStructure &in, const AnatomicalStructureDeformation &def, AnatomicalStructure &out, bool createMissingObjects=true)
 Applies a AnatomicalStructureDeformation to a anatomical structure.
bool applyDeformation (const AnatomicalStructure &in, const ScaledIso3 &additionalLinearPart, const AnatomicalStructureDeformation &def, AnatomicalStructure &out, bool createMissingObjects=true)
 Version of applyDeformation with an additional linear pre-factor to apply to def for efficiency to avoid copies of def
bool applyDeformation (const Mesh &in, const AnatomicalStructurePointwiseDeformation &def, Mesh &out)
 Applies a AnatomicalStructurePointwiseDeformation to a Mesh.
bool applyDeformation (const Mesh &in, const ScaledIso3 &prefactor, const AnatomicalStructurePointwiseDeformation &def, Mesh &out)
 Faster way of applying AnatomicalStructurePointwiseDeformation that has a (linear) pre-factor.
bool applyDeformation (const PointCloud &in, const AnatomicalStructurePointwiseDeformation &def, PointCloud &out)
 Applies a AnatomicalStructurePointwiseDeformation to a PointCloud object.
bool applyDeformation (const AnatomicalStructureDeformation &in, const ScaledIso3 &prefactor, const AnatomicalStructureDeformation &def, AnatomicalStructureDeformation &out)
 "Applies" a deformation to another deformation.
bool applyScaledIso3 (const SharedImageSet &in, const ScaledIso3 &def, SharedImageSet &out, const mat4 *initialMatrixToWorld=nullptr)
 Applies a ScaledIso3 to a SharedImageSet.
bool applyScaledIso3 (const ImageDescriptorWorld &in, const ScaledIso3 &def, ImageDescriptorWorld &out, bool moveScaleToSpacing=false)
 Applies a ScaledIso3 to an ImageDescriptorWorld.
AnatomicalStructurePointwiseDeformation averageDeformations (const std::vector< AnatomicalStructurePointwiseDeformation > &vals, std::optional< std::vector< double > > weights, std::variant< const Mesh *, const PointCloud *, std::monostate > source=std::monostate{})
 Average a set of AnatomicalStructure deformations Warning: this can introduce a rigid component into the nonlinear part of the deformation if source is not set.
AnatomicalStructureDeformation averageDeformations (const std::vector< AnatomicalStructureDeformation > &vals, std::optional< std::vector< double > > weights, const AnatomicalStructure *source=nullptr)
 Warning: this can introduce a rigid component into the nonlinear part of the deformation if source is not set.
template<typename StoredT >
bool isValid (const StoredT &val)
ScaledIso3 averageScaledIso3 (const std::vector< ScaledIso3 > &vals, std::optional< std::vector< double > > weights)
 Compute a weighted combination of ScaledIso3 objects.
template<typename T >
auto operator* (double d, const VertexExpr< T > &expr)
template<typename T >
auto operator* (const mat4 &matrix, const VertexExpr< T > &expr)
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &os, const ImFusion::RGBDStream::PixelFormat &pf)
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &os, const ImFusion::RGBDStream::FrameInfo &fi)
std::vector< int64_t > hungarianAssignment (Eigen::MatrixXf const &costs, double nullCost, bool minimize=true)
 Calculates the optimal assignment for a matching problem.
std::map< int, std::vector< vec3 > > kmeansOnLabel (SharedImageSet &labels)
std::vector< int > splineFilter (std::vector< std::tuple< vec3, double > > clusters)
bool hasMissingVertebraHeuristic (SpineData *spineData)
std::unique_ptr< SharedImageSetsegmentSpine (SharedImageSet &vol, std::string localisationModelPath, std::string segmentationModelPath)
void logImg (SharedImageSet *img, std::string path, std::string filename)
void printCSV (const std::string &file, const std::string &header, std::function< void(std::ofstream &)> printFunc, bool append)
void printMetricToCsv (std::string file, bool append, ModelEvalLog model, std::vector< std::string > labelVals)


IoAlgorithmFactory __pad0__
 Factory for IO algorithms.
const int ClFastMarching2D = 1
const int ClFastMarching3D = 2
constexpr char defaultPrefix [] = "ImFusion."
constexpr char endplatePrefix [] = "ImFusion.EP."
constexpr int N_VERTEBRA_TYPES = 7 + 12 + 6 + 2

Typedef Documentation

◆ GlFFDeformation

◆ GlObjectPicking

"GlObjectPicking has been moved to ImFusionGL and renamed to GL::ObjectPicking"

◆ AttachTrackingSequenceAlgorithm

◆ AttachTrackingStreamAlgorithm

"AttachTrackingStreamAlgorithm was renamed to AttachTrackingSequenceAlgorithm to avoid confusion with the ImFusion::Stream interface."

◆ CalibrationMatrixWidget

◆ ConvertToSweep

◆ ExtractDoppler

◆ FanAnnotationManipulator

◆ FanMask

◆ UltrasoundFrameGrabbingConfigComponent

◆ UltrasoundFrameGrabbingPresets

◆ UltrasoundGeometryDetection

◆ BaseUltrasoundGeometryDetectionAlgorithm

◆ UltrasoundGeometryDetectionAlgorithm

◆ UltrasoundGeometryDetectionController

◆ GlFanGeometry

◆ GlFanWireframe

◆ GlMultiSweepDeformation

◆ GlProbeDeformation

◆ GlSliceRendererSweep

◆ GlSweep3D

◆ GlSweepCompounding

◆ GlSweepReconstruction

◆ GlUltrasoundRuler

◆ InteractiveFanAnnotation

◆ LabelCompoundingAlgorithm

◆ ManualSegmentationAlgorithm

◆ ManualSegmentationController

◆ MergeSweepsAlgorithm

◆ MotionTrajectoryModel

◆ ComposedMotionModel

◆ SimpleMotionModel

◆ ParametricMotionModel

◆ KeyframeMotionModel

◆ EveryFrameModel

◆ PiecewiseMotionModel

◆ GatingMotionModel

◆ NeedleSweepCalibrationAlgorithm

◆ NeedleSweepCalibrationController

◆ PointsOnSweepManipulator

◆ ProcessUltrasoundParameters

◆ ProcessedFrame

◆ ProcessUltrasound

◆ ProcessUltrasoundClip

◆ ProcessUltrasoundController

◆ RemoveDuplicateFrames

◆ USRFProcessingAlgorithm

◆ ScanConversion

◆ ScanConversion3D

◆ SteeredCompounding

◆ USSweepCalibrator

◆ SweepCroppingAlgorithm

◆ SweepDeformationEditor

◆ SweepDisplayDataController

◆ SweepFocusFramesRegistrationAlgorithm

◆ SweepMotion

◆ SweepOptimization

◆ SweepProcessingAlgorithm

◆ SweepProperties

◆ SweepPropertiesAlgorithm

◆ UltrasoundSweepToMeshAlgorithm

◆ SweepTrajectoryAnalysisAlgorithm

◆ TrackingEstimationAlgorithmInterface

◆ TrackingEstimationController

◆ UltrasoundTrackingEvaluation

◆ USCalibrationInit

◆ UltrasoundGeometry

◆ UltrasoundMedium

◆ UltrasoundMetadata

◆ UltrasoundSweep

◆ UltrasoundSweepRingBuffer

◆ USPluginSettings

◆ VolumeReslicingAlgorithm

◆ RawDataComponent

◆ UltrasoundSimulationHybrid

◆ UltrasoundBoneSegmentationAlgorithm

◆ UltrasoundBoneSegmentationBaseAlgorithm

◆ UltrasoundBoneSegmentationController

◆ GenerateDataForBoneExtentDetection

◆ GenerateDataForTrackingEstimation

◆ LearningBasedTrackingEstimationAlgorithm

◆ SteeredCompoundingAlgorithm

◆ USConfidenceMapAlgorithm

◆ UltrasoundRawDataAlgorithm

◆ UltrasoundRawDataController

◆ VesselFromCenterlineAlgorithm

◆ VesselFromCenterlineController

◆ ClProbeDeformation

◆ JointSweepReconstructionAlgorithm

◆ US2D3DReconstructionAlgorithm

◆ SliceToVolumeRegistrationAlgorithm

◆ SpeckleDecorrelationAlgorithm

◆ SweepGlobalInitAlgorithm

◆ SweepGlobalInitController

◆ SweepPointCorrAlgorithm

◆ SweepPointCorrController

◆ UltrasoundCalibration

◆ UltrasoundCalibrationAnalysisController

◆ UltrasoundRegistrationAlgorithm

◆ UltrasoundSimulation

◆ UltrasoundDISARegistrationAlgorithm

◆ UltrasoundDISARegistrationController

◆ UltrasoundConeCalibrationAlgorithm

◆ FreehandUSWorkflowAlgorithm

◆ FreehandUSWorkflowController

◆ InstrumentButtonListener

◆ LiveSweepRecordingVisualizationAlgorithm

◆ LiveSweepRecordingVisualizationController

◆ LiveUltrasoundGeometryDetectionAlgorithm

◆ ProcessedUltrasoundStream

◆ ScreenTint

◆ SweepPlaybackAlgorithm

◆ USSweepRecorderAlgorithm

◆ USSweepRecorderController

◆ UltrasoundFrameGrabbingAlgorithm

◆ RoiAnnotationsWidget

◆ RecordingWidget

◆ PresetsTable

◆ UltrasoundFrameGrabbingController

◆ UltrasoundStreamDisplayDataController

◆ LiveSweepTrackingEstimationAlgorithm

◆ LiveSweepTrackingEstimationController

◆ UltrasoundBoneSegmentationStreamAlgorithm

◆ UltrasoundBoneSegmentationStreamController

◆ UltrasoundCalibrationWizard

◆ TrackingEstimationUSWorkflowAlgorithm

◆ TrackingEstimationUSWorkflowController

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ReductionMode

enum class ReductionMode

Mode for image reduction (e.g. downsampling, resampling, binning)


Nearest neighbor look-up, i.e. no reduction at all.


Average intensity within the reduction box.


Minimum intensity within the reduction box.


Maximum intensity within the reduction box.

◆ InterpolationMode

enum class InterpolationMode

Mode for image interpolation.
