Change Log
Modify projects and labels with Python
Username and password for remote projects can be stored (optional)
Datasets from remote project are cached on the local filesystem and are not downloaded multiple times
Added an option in the context menu to export all layers to a single file (only DICOM is supported at the moment)
DICOM Segmentation files are now imported as label maps for the referenced dataset
Local project can be copied to a remote project
(BETA) Automatically segment CT volumes with TotalSegmentator. This new action will segment many different anatomies automatically and let’s you choose how they are mapped to your project. The model runs locally on your GPU or CPU and does not connect to the internet. Currently only supported on Windows. Linux coming soon.
Segmentations can now be restored if the application was closed unexpectedly before the project has been saved.
Show image statistics in Standarized Uptake Values (PET images) or DICOM Real World Values. Those units are only available if the underlying DICOM dataset provides the necessary tags.
(BETA) Store projects on a remote server and edit them collaboratively. This requires a dedicated server that is distributed separately. If you are interested in participating, please contact us directly.
Project can optionally show labeling instructions in a sidebar. See here for details.
Fixed import of individual DICOM files
Fixed nifti files not available in Quick Annotation mode
Added mean and standard deviation to the statistics available in the “Pointer” action
If “Show Patient Information” is enabled, the “Pointer” action displays relevant DICOM values
When exporting DICOM files, the segmentations will now correctly reference the exported datasets
New tag types are now available. Instead of just true/false, “choice” and “number” tags can be created.
Added the ability to sort the database by tag value
Added Python bindings
Added a new concept of ‘dataset license’. Licenses can be defined in project settings, and a license can be associated to each dataset
Added an option in the context menu to copy the image data of a dataset into the project, instead of being a reference to its original location
Added a new annotation action for Slice interpolation.
Fixed a bug with the Adaptiveness parameter in the “Draw Contour” action.
Improved usability of the “Draw Contour” action
Extended “Draw Contour” to work in 3D. Only the “open spline” contour is available in 3D.
Landmarks can now be moved when the relevant tool is selected
Added export of 2D datasets in PNG format.
Improved the style of the project creation dialog
Fix UI on high-DPI monitors
Overhauled the tool switcher, which now uses a large dropdown instead of a stack of button. If you read this and have a strong opinion on it, let us know!
The tools ‘Import’ and ‘Import Mesh’ are now merged, all functionality is now available in ‘Import’
Added an option to Undo/Redo to disable undo recording. This can be useful with very large datasets.
Added a selector to the ‘Propagate’ tool, to control which labels should be propagated and potentially lock then.
Added an option to export the selected datasets in the database
Added Export functionality from the commandline
Added a new ‘layer’ concept, see documentation
Improved tagging feature: styling and filtering capabilities
Added PACS import functionality
Added per-modality configurable windowing presets (and shortcuts)
Added a “consider annotated, even if empty” feature
Added shortcuts for each of the checkbox in the Brush
Ensure that the Brush always draw at least the middle pixel
Added an option to generate data lists for cross-validation
Added an option for using the dataset names in the exported filenames
Added the shortcut L to toggle visibility of the label map during annotation
Added ‘2D Brush’ mode
Support for import of 8-bit and 16-bit signed label maps
Fixed a bug in NRRD loader
Added automatic resampling of the label maps if its dimensions do not match
Added a new “Preserve Patient Information” checkbox to keep DICOM tags
When using DICOM export, label maps are now exported in the DICOMSEG format
Fix Python integration
Hide Experiments tabs by default (it can be shown again from the Settings dialog)
Minor UI improvements, memory leaks and bug fixes
Added support for importing NRRD images
Enable recursive loading for DICOM files
Added support for multi-channel NIFTI export (only when images are 8-bit with 3 or 4 channels)
Added ‘Import from Project’ functionality. See documentation for more information
Quick Annotation mode fixes: the specified save format is now properly used
Added new functionalities to the Components actions
Added new ‘Erase’ tool for removing parts of a label map in a fine-grained manner
Moved ‘Clear Label Map’ panel from ‘Brush’ to ‘Erase’
The ‘Threshold’ and ‘Refine’ tools can now be used on multiple frames at once
Added a display of the labels volume in the Pointer mode
Fix ROI not being taken into account when running a machine learning model
Added a floating popup to indicate which label is hovered, when the “Default” tool is selected
Added a new “Connected Components” tool, see documentation
Added keyboard shortcuts to the “Refine” tool, see documentation
Added a Page-Up/Page-Down shortcut to move forward/backward in an image set
Added selection of multiple landmarks instead of a single one
Added context menu (right-click) to the landmarks with options to change the type of the selected and delete
Added warnings when opening an ImFusion Labels that was saved with a different version
Added new project type for bounding box annotation
Added an option to control the direction of the Y axis for 2D images
Added an option to define how the images are padded when patient orientation is applied
Add a button “Add landmark at intersection” with shortcut “Alt + A”
Fixed shortcut conflict
Various bugfixes
Added a “Quick Segmentation” mode that allows you to quickly segment an image without requiring a project
Added a new “Interactive Deformation” mode that allows you to push and pull labels
Fixed a bug when in exported label maps when labels were re-ordered
Fixed a bug with the licensing system
Fixed memory leaks
Minor improvements and bugfixes
Datasets can be exported from by right-clicking elements in the database view
Labels can be exported from by right-clicking elements in the database view, either as label maps or as meshes
Added a new “Draw Contour” mode that allows you to create label maps from 2D contours
Added a new “Import Mesh” mode that allows you to set labels from a mesh
Added a new “Threshold” mode that allows you to define labels based on intensities
Brush radius is now shown in millimeters
Fixed a crash when running ImFusion workspaces in “Run Algorithm” mode
Fixed crash when parent directory of export folder did not exist
Added option to run a Python script for custom pre-processing before export
Each dataset now has a “name” that can be edited in the info panel
The modality of a dataset is now shown in the info panel
This name is also shown when hovering with the cursor in the annotation tab
Tag filters in Database and Experiments have been improved to allow multi-tag filtering
A live visualization of the adaptive brush is now available
alt+mousewheel can now used to control the adaptiveness of the brush
The “Run Script” action stores the recent scripts
The layout of the views can now be configured
Labels can now be locked in “Run Script”. If a label is locked, the script will not modify it.
Experiments now use a Dice metric instead of Accuracy
Export options can be loaded from a file
Classification projects now have finer-grained control over which tags produce which values
Improved integration with the ImFusion Suite
Label maps now have contours
Added a setting “Volume Rendering Interactions” to improve efficiency
Fix several UI bugs
The results table can now be filtered using name and tags
Better performance with regards to large experiment result lists
The accuracy score can now be recomputed if the ground truth was updated since the experiment
The visibility of labels can now be controlled with the eye icon in the label picker
The background label can now be locked in the label picker. When locked, the background cannot be modified by painting
Added Import from Data List
Improved behaviour of Refine actions with ROIs
Added splitting in training/valdiation subsets during export
Fixed appearance on high-DPI displays
Improved behaviour with multi-image datasets
Prevent projects to be opened by multiple instances
Various bugfixes
Introduction of change log file