Python API


This feature is still experimental. The provided API might change in the future.

ImFusion Labels comes with a Python module that provides an API to interact with a project from Python. The module can be imported with imfusion.labels and is distributed together with the application. It is currently not available through pip. See the documentation of imfusion Python module for detailed install instructions (replace ImFusion Suite with ImFusion Labels in the provided paths).

The imfusion.labels module provides some documentation and examples in its Docstring (help(imfusion.labels)).

Example 1: Clear labels of all datasets

A common requirement is to run an algorithm or filter on all datasets. This example opens a project, iterates over each dataset and layer and calls the algorithm function for each labelmap. In this case, the algorithm only clears all labels but can be extended to e.g. automatically segment some structures. Since the image and labelmap can be converted to regular numpy arrays, they can be passed to any library that can handle numpy such as scipy or PyTorch.

import sys
from typing import Optional

import numpy

import imfusion
import imfusion.labels


if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    print("Expected path to project folder as first argument")

project = imfusion.labels.Project.load(sys.argv[1])

# This function will be called for each dataset together with its labelmap.
# Returns either a new labelmap or none if the labelmap should remain unchanged.
# This function uses the same signature that is expected by the Algorithms actions and the Experiments tab.
# If moved to a separate module, it could also be used on e.g. individual datasets.
# Note that the codes doesn't have to be structured like, it's just the recommended best practice.
def algorithm(imfInput: imfusion.SharedImageSet, imfCurrentLabels: imfusion.SharedImageSet) -> Optional[imfusion.SharedImageSet]:
    currentLabels = numpy.array(imfCurrentLabels)
    zeroLabels = 0*currentLabels
    imfLabels = imfusion.SharedImageSet(zeroLabels)

    return imfLabels

for descriptor in project.descriptors:
    image = descriptor.load_image(crop_to_roi=False)
    for layer in descriptor.labelmap_layers:
        labelmap = layer.load()
        if not labelmap:
            labelmap = layer.create_empty_labelmap()

        new_labelmap = algorithm(image, labelmap)

        if new_labelmap:
            # Instead of None, the algorithm function could also return the labelmap unchanged.
            # In that case, certain meta data such as the "Last Modified" time would change though.

Example 2: Batch import datasets with custom grouping

The grouping option in the database view is currently only available for DICOMs. If your want to import non-DICOM data or need some custom grouping, the best way is to batch import your data. The following example uses the folder names for grouping.

import os
import pathlib
import argparse
import imfusion
import imfusion.labels as labels

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Imports all files found inside a given folders to a Labels project and uses the folder path for grouping. Expects that all files are exactly 3 subfolders deep.")
parser.add_argument("project", help="Path to a Labels project. Either a local folder or a remote project path (e.g.")
parser.add_argument("folder", help="Folder containing the files to import")
parser.add_argument("-u", "--username", default=None)
parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", default=None)
args = parser.parse_args()

# Load the project and assign the names of the grouping hierachy that should be shown in the UI
project = labels.Project.load(args.project, username=args.username, password=args.password)
project.grouping_hierachy = ["One", "Two", "Three"]

# In remote projects we cannot set the grouping directly
# after adding the descriptor, because the project needs to sync
# with the server first.
# Instead we track which descriptor id should receive which groups
# and assign them later
groups_for_descriptor = {}

base_folder = pathlib.Path(args.folder)

# Iterate the directory recursively
for (path, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(base_folder):
    path = pathlib.Path(path)

    # split the path into folders that we are going to use for grouping
    groups = path.relative_to(base_folder).parts
    if len(groups) != 3:
        # this example script expects all images being 3 folders deep (e.g. "one/two/three/file.png")

    for filename in filenames:
        # Load all images and add them to the project
        for image in imfusion.load(str(path / filename)):
            print("Adding", path / filename)
            desc = project.add_descriptor(image, name=filename)
            if project.is_remote:
                groups_for_descriptor[desc] = groups
                desc.grouping = groups

if project.is_remote:
    # Syncing the project retrieves all descriptors from the server
    for desc in project.descriptors:
        if desc.identifier in groups_for_descriptor:
            desc.grouping = groups_for_descriptor[desc.identifier]

Example 3: Reset grouping to default value

The following script iterates all datasets of a project, reads the meta-data and resets the grouping information to the default.

import argparse
import datetime
import imfusion.labels as labels

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Resets the grouping of datasets to the default.")
parser.add_argument("project", help="Path to a Labels project. Either a local folder or a remote project path (e.g.")
parser.add_argument("-u", "--username", default=None)
parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", default=None)
args = parser.parse_args()

# Load the project and assign the names of the grouping hierachy that should be shown in the UI
project = labels.Project.load(args.project, username=args.username, password=args.password)
project.grouping_hierachy = ["Patient", "Study", "Series"]

def format_description_and_date(desc, date):
    Formats a potential empty description and date into a combined string.
        # the date is YYYYMMDD, but YYYY-MM-DD is more readable
        date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, "%Y%m%d").date().isoformat()
    except ValueError:
        date = ""

    if date and desc:
        return f"{desc} - {date}"
    elif desc:
        return desc;
    elif date:
        return "";
        return "<Unnamed>"

for desc in project.descriptors:
    image = desc.load_image(crop_to_roi=False)
    if not image:
        print(f"Could not load {desc.identifier}. Skipping")

    # All images have additional meta-data attached in the form of
    # DataComponents. The ImageInfoDataComponent provides patient, study
    # and series information among other things.
    info = image.components.image_info
    if info:
        # Assign the values the dataset should be grouped with.
        # E.g. datasets with the same first value will be grouped as a
        # single patient.
        # The grouping values support an optional ||| separator. The complete value
        # will be used for grouping, but only everything after the separator will be
        # displayed in the UI (e.g. to hide very long ID strings).
        desc.grouping = [
            f"{info.study_instance_uid}|||{format_description_and_date(info.study_description, info.study_date)}",
            f"{info.series_instance_uid}|||{format_description_and_date(info.series_description, info.series_date)}",

if project.is_local:


This module offers a way of interacting with Labels projects from python. The central class in this module is the Project class. It allow you to either create a new local project or load an existing local project:

import imfusion
from imfusion import labels
new_project = labels.Project('New Project', 'path/to/new/project/folder')
existing_project = labels.Project.load('path/to/existing/project')
remote_project = labels.Project.load('', '1', 'username', 'password123')

From there you can add new tag definitions, annotation definitions and data to the project:

project.add_tag('NewTag', labels.TagKind.Bool)

The Project instance is also the central way to access this kind of data:

new_tag = project.tags['NewTag']  # can also be indexed with an integer, i.e. tags[0]
new_labelmap = project.labelmap_layers['NewLabelmap']  # can also be indexed with an interger, i.e. labelmap_layers[0]
new_descriptor = project.descriptors[0]

The DataDescriptor class represents an entry in the project’s database and can be used to access the the entry’s metadata, tags and annotations. The interface for accessing tags and annotations is the same as in Project but also offers the additional value attribute to get the value of the tag / annotation:

name =
shape = (descriptor.n_images, descriptor.n_channels, descriptor.n_slices, descriptor.height, descriptor.width)
new_tag = descriptor.tags['NewTag']
tag_value = descriptor.tags['NewTag'].value
labelmap = descriptor.labelmap_layers['NewLabelmap'].load()
roi = descriptor.roi
image = descriptor.load_image(crop_to_roi=True)


Keep in mind that all modifications made to a local project are stored in memory and will only be saved to disk if you call Modifications to remote projects are applied immediately. Alternatively, you can also use the Project as a context manager:

with Project('SomeName', /some/path) as project:
        ...  # will automatically save the project when exiting the context if there was no exception


Changing annotation data is the only exception to this rule. It is written immediately to disk (see :meth:LabelMapLayer.save_new_data`, :meth:LandmarkLayer.save_new_data`, :meth:BoundingBoxLayer.save_new_data`)

class imfusion.labels.BoundingBox

Bases: pybind11_object

property color
property descriptor
property index
property name
property project
class imfusion.labels.BoundingBoxAccessor

Bases: pybind11_object

property names

Returns a list of the names of Components available through this Accessor

size(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.BoundingBoxAccessor) int
class imfusion.labels.BoundingBoxLayer

Bases: pybind11_object

add_annotation(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.BoundingBoxLayer, name: str, color: Tuple[int, int, int] = (255, 255, 255)) imfusion.labels._bindings.BoundingBox

Define a new entry in this boundingbox layer. The definition consists of only the name, the actual coordinates for it are stored in the BoxSet.


name (str): Name of the new boundingbox. color (tuple[int, int, int]): Color for displaying this boundingbox in the UI.


add_annotation(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.BoundingBoxLayer, name: str, color: Tuple[int, int, int] = (255, 255, 255)) -> imfusion.labels._bindings.BoundingBox

Define a new entry in this boundingbox layer. The definition consists of only the name, the actual coordinates for it are stored in the BoxSet.


name (str): Name of the new boundingbox. color (tuple[int, int, int]): Color for displaying this boundingbox in the UI.

property annotations
property boundingboxes
property descriptor
property folder
property id
property index
load(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.BoundingBoxLayer) object
property name
property project
save_new_data(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.BoundingBoxLayer, arg0: handle) None

Change the data of this layer.


Beware that, unlike other modifications, new layer data is immediately written to disk, regardles of calls to ``_.

class imfusion.labels.BoundingBoxLayersAccessor

Bases: pybind11_object

property active

Return the currently active layer or None if no layer is active.

The active layer is usually only relevant when using Python inside the application. It can be set by the user to defined the layer that can be modified with e.g. the brush tool.

It’s currently not possible to change the active layer through the Python API but only in the UI.

property names

Returns a list of the names of Components available through this Accessor

size(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.BoundingBoxLayersAccessor) int
class imfusion.labels.BoxSet

Bases: pybind11_object

add(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.BoxSet, type: str, frame: int, top_left: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], lower_right: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) None

Add a keypoint to the set.


type (str): Type of keypoint that should be added. frame (int): Frame for which this keypoint should be added. top_left (tuple[int, int, int]): Coordinates of the top left corner of the box. lower_right (tuple[int, int, int]): Coordinates of the lower right corner of the box.

asdict(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.BoxSet) dict

Convert this AnnotationSet into a dict. Modifying the dict does not reflect on the AnnotationSet.

frame(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.BoxSet, which: int) imfusion.labels._bindings.BoxSet

Select only the points that belong to the specified frame.

static from_descriptor(descriptor: imfusion.labels._bindings.Descriptor, layer_name: str) imfusion.labels._bindings.BoxSet

Create a BoxSet tailored to a specific annotation layer in a descriptor.

type(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. type(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.BoxSet, type: str) -> imfusion.labels._bindings.BoxSet

Select only the points that belong to the specified type.

  1. type(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.BoxSet, type: int) -> imfusion.labels._bindings.BoxSet

Select only the points that belong to the specified type.

class imfusion.labels.DataType

Bases: pybind11_object

Enum for specifying what is considered valid data in the project.


SingleChannelImages : Consider 2D greyscale images as valid data.

MultiChannelImages : Consider 2D color images as valid data.

SingleChannelVolumes : Consider 3D greyscale images as valid data.

MultiChannelVolumes : Consider 3D color images as valid data.

AnyDataType : Consider any kind of image data as valid data.

AnyDataType = DataType.AnyDataType
MultiChannelImages = DataType.MultiChannelImages
MultiChannelVolumes = DataType.MultiChannelVolumes
SingleChannelImages = DataType.SingleChannelImages
SingleChannelVolumes = DataType.SingleChannelVolumes
property name
property value
class imfusion.labels.Descriptor

Bases: pybind11_object

Class representing an entry in the project’s database. It holds, amongst other things, meta data about the image, annotations and the location of the image.

property boundingbox_layers
property byte_size
property comments
consider_frame_annotated(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.Descriptor, frame: int, annotated: bool) None
property grouping
property has_data
property height
property identifier
property import_time
is_considered_annotated(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.Descriptor, frame: object = None) bool
property is_locked
property labelmap_layers
property landmark_layers
property latest_edit_time
load_image(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.Descriptor, crop_to_roi: bool) imfusion._bindings.SharedImageSet
property load_path
load_thumbnail(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.Descriptor, generate: bool = True) imfusion._bindings.SharedImageSet

Return the image thumbnail as a SharedImageSet.


generate (bool): Whether to generate the thumbnail if it’s missing. If this is False, the method will return None for missing thumbnails.

property modality
property n_channels
property n_images
property n_slices
property name
property original_data_path
property own_copy
property patient_name
property project
property region_of_interest
property roi
property scale
property series_instance_uid
property shift
property spacing
property sub_file_id
property tags
property thumbnail_path
property top_down
property type
property width
class imfusion.labels.Label

Bases: pybind11_object

property color
property descriptor
property index
property name
property project
property value
class imfusion.labels.LabelMapLayer

Bases: pybind11_object

add_annotation(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.LabelMapLayer, name: str, value: int, color: Tuple[int, int, int] = (255, 255, 255)) imfusion.labels._bindings.Label

Define a new entry in this labelmap layer. A label is represented by a name and a corresponding integer value for designating voxels in the labelmap.


name (str): Name of the new label. value (int): Value for encoding this label in the labelmap. color (tuple[int, int, int]): Color for displaying this label in the UI.


add_annotation(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.LabelMapLayer, name: str, value: int, color: Tuple[int, int, int] = (255, 255, 255)) -> imfusion.labels._bindings.Label

Define a new entry in this labelmap layer. A label is represented by a name and a corresponding integer value for designating voxels in the labelmap.


name (str): Name of the new label. value (int): Value for encoding this label in the labelmap. color (tuple[int, int, int]): Color for displaying this label in the UI.

property annotations
create_empty_labelmap(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.LabelMapLayer) object

Create an empty labelmap that is compatible with this layer. The labelmap will have the same size and meta data as the image. The labelmap is completely independend of the layer and does not replace the existing labelmap of the layer! To use this labelmap for the layer, call LabelMapLayer.save_new_data().

property descriptor
property folder
has_data(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.LabelMapLayer) bool

Return whether the labelmap exists and is not empty.

property id
property index
property labels
load(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.LabelMapLayer) object

Load the labelmap as a SharedImagetSet. If the labelmap is completely empty, None is returned. To create a new labelmap use LabelMapLayer.create_empty_labelmap().

property name
path(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.LabelMapLayer) str

Returns the path where the labelmap is stored on disk. Empty for remote projects.

property project
save_new_data(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.LabelMapLayer, arg0: handle) None

Change the data of this layer.


Beware that, unlike other modifications, new layer data is immediately written to disk, regardles of calls to ``_.

thumbnail_path(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.LabelMapLayer) str

Returns the path where the labelmap thumbnail is stored on disk. Empty for remote projects.

class imfusion.labels.LabelMapsAccessor

Bases: pybind11_object

property active

Return the currently active layer or None if no layer is active.

The active layer is usually only relevant when using Python inside the application. It can be set by the user to defined the layer that can be modified with e.g. the brush tool.

It’s currently not possible to change the active layer through the Python API but only in the UI.

property names

Returns a list of the names of Components available through this Accessor

size(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.LabelMapsAccessor) int
class imfusion.labels.LabelsAccessor

Bases: pybind11_object

property names

Returns a list of the names of Components available through this Accessor

size(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.LabelsAccessor) int
class imfusion.labels.Landmark

Bases: pybind11_object

property color
property descriptor
property index
property name
property project
class imfusion.labels.LandmarkLayer

Bases: pybind11_object

add_annotation(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.LandmarkLayer, name: str, color: Tuple[int, int, int] = (255, 255, 255)) imfusion.labels._bindings.Landmark

Define a new entry in this landmark layer. The definition consists of only the name, the actual coordinates for it are stored in the LandmarkSet.


name (str): Name of the new landmark. color (tuple[int, int, int]): Color for displaying this annotation in the UI.


add_annotation(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.LandmarkLayer, name: str, color: Tuple[int, int, int] = (255, 255, 255)) -> imfusion.labels._bindings.Landmark

Define a new entry in this landmark layer. The definition consists of only the name, the actual coordinates for it are stored in the LandmarkSet.


name (str): Name of the new landmark. color (tuple[int, int, int]): Color for displaying this annotation in the UI.

property annotations
property descriptor
property folder
property id
property index
property landmarks
load(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.LandmarkLayer) object
property name
property project
save_new_data(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.LandmarkLayer, arg0: handle) None

Change the data of this layer.


Beware that, unlike other modifications, new layer data is immediately written to disk, regardles of calls to ``_.

class imfusion.labels.LandmarkLayersAccessor

Bases: pybind11_object

property active

Return the currently active layer or None if no layer is active.

The active layer is usually only relevant when using Python inside the application. It can be set by the user to defined the layer that can be modified with e.g. the brush tool.

It’s currently not possible to change the active layer through the Python API but only in the UI.

property names

Returns a list of the names of Components available through this Accessor

size(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.LandmarkLayersAccessor) int
class imfusion.labels.LandmarkSet

Bases: pybind11_object

add(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.LandmarkSet, type: str, frame: int, world: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) None

Add a keypoint to the set.


type (str): Type of keypoint that should be added. frame (int): Frame for which this keypoint should be added. world (tuple[int, int, int]): Coordinates of the point.

asdict(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.LandmarkSet) dict

Convert this AnnotationSet into a dict. Modifying the dict does not reflect on the AnnotationSet.

frame(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.LandmarkSet, which: int) imfusion.labels._bindings.LandmarkSet

Select only the points that belong to the specified frame.

static from_descriptor(descriptor: imfusion.labels._bindings.Descriptor, layer_name: str) imfusion.labels._bindings.LandmarkSet

Create a LandmarkSet tailored to a specific annotation layer in a descriptor.

type(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. type(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.LandmarkSet, type: str) -> imfusion.labels._bindings.LandmarkSet

Select only the points that belong to the specified type.

  1. type(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.LandmarkSet, type: int) -> imfusion.labels._bindings.LandmarkSet

Select only the points that belong to the specified type.

class imfusion.labels.LandmarksAccessor

Bases: pybind11_object

property names

Returns a list of the names of Components available through this Accessor

size(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.LandmarksAccessor) int
class imfusion.labels.Project

Bases: pybind11_object

Class that represents a Labels project. A project holds all information regarding defined annotations and data samples

add_boundingbox_layer(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.Project, name: str) imfusion.labels._bindings.BoundingBoxLayer

Define a new boundingbox layer for this project.


name (str): Name of the new boundingbox layer.

add_descriptor(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. add_descriptor(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.Project, shared_image_set: imfusion._bindings.SharedImageSet, name: str = ‘’, own_copy: bool = False) -> object

    “Create a new entry in the project’s database from a given image.

    For local project, the descriptor to the dataset is returned immediately. For remote project, only the identifier of the descriptor is returned. The actual dataset will only become available after a call to sync().


    name (str): Name of the new database entry. shared_image_set (imfusion.SharedImageSet): Image for which the new entry will be created. own_copy (bool): If True, Labels will save a copy of the image in the project folder.

    Automatically set to True if the image does not have a DataSourceComponent, as this implies that is was created rather then loaded.

  2. add_descriptor(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.Project, name: str, shared_image_set: imfusion._bindings.SharedImageSet, own_copy: bool = False) -> object

    “Create a new entry in the project’s database from a given image.


    name (str): Name of the new database entry. shared_image_set (imfusion.SharedImageSet): Image for which the new entry will be created. own_copy (bool): If True, Labels will save a copy of the image in the project folder.

    Automatically set to True if the image does not have a DataSourceComponent, as this implies that is was created rather then loaded.

add_labelmap_layer(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.Project, name: str) imfusion.labels._bindings.LabelMapLayer

Define a new labelmap layer for this project.


name (str): Name of the new labelmap layer.

add_landmark_layer(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.Project, name: str) imfusion.labels._bindings.LandmarkLayer

Define a new landmark layer for this project.


name (str): Name of the new landmark layer.

add_tag(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.Project, name: str, kind: imfusion.labels._bindings.TagKind, color: Tuple[int, int, int] = (255, 255, 255), options: List[str] = []) imfusion.labels._bindings.Tag

Define a new tag for this project.


name (str): Name of the new tag. kind (imfusion.labels.TagKind): Type of the new tag (Bool, Float or Enum). color (tuple[int, int, int]): Color of the tag in the UI. options (list[str]): Options that the user can choose from. Only applies to Enum tags.

property boundingbox_layers

Returns an Accessor to the landmark layers defined in the project.

property configuration
property data_type
delete_descriptors(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.Project, descriptors: List[imfusion.labels._bindings.Descriptor]) None

“Remove the given descriptors from the project.


descriptors (list[Descriptors]): list of descriptors that should be deleted from the project.

property descriptors
property grouping_hierachy
property is_local

Returns whether the project is local

property is_remote

Returns whether the project is remote

property labelmap_layers

Returns an Accessor to the labelmap layers defined in the project.

property landmark_layers

Returns an Accessor to the landmark layers defined in the project.

static load(path: str, project_id: str | None = None, username: str | None = None, password: str | None = None) imfusion.labels._bindings.Project

Load an existing project from disk or from a remote server.


path (str): Either a folder containing a local project or an URL to a remote project. project_id (str): the ID of the project to load username (str): the username with which to authenticate password (str): the password with which to authenticate

property path
refresh_access_token(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.Project) None

Refresh the access token of a remote project. Access tokens expire after a predefined period of time, and need to be refreshed in order to make further requests.

save(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.Project) None

Save the modifications performed in memory to disk.

sync(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.Project) int

Synchronize the local state of a remote project. Any “event” that occured between the last sync() call and this one are replayed locally, such that the local Project reflects the last known state of the project on the server. An “event” refers to any change being made on the project data by any client (including this one), such as a dataset being added or deleted, a new label map being uploaded, a tag value being changed, etc.

Returns the number of events applied to the project.

property tags

Returns an Accessor to the tags defined in the project.

class imfusion.labels.Tag

Bases: pybind11_object

add_option(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.Tag, option: str) None

Add a new value option for this tag (only works with enum tags).


option (str): New option.

property color
property descriptor
property id
property index
property kind
property locked
property name
property options
property project
property value
class imfusion.labels.TagKind

Bases: pybind11_object

Enum for differentiating different kinds of tags.


Bool : Tag that stores a single boolean value.

Enum : Tag that stores a list of string options.

Float : Tag that stores a single float value.

Bool = <TagKind.Bool: 0>
Enum = <TagKind.Enum: 1>
Float = <TagKind.Float: 2>
property name
property value
class imfusion.labels.TagsAccessor

Bases: pybind11_object

property names

Returns a list of the names of Components available through this Accessor

size(self: imfusion.labels._bindings.TagsAccessor) int
imfusion.labels.deprecate(old: str, new: str, owner: object, is_property=False)
imfusion.labels.wraps(wrapped, assigned=('__module__', '__name__', '__qualname__', '__doc__', '__annotations__'), updated=('__dict__',))

Decorator factory to apply update_wrapper() to a wrapper function

Returns a decorator that invokes update_wrapper() with the decorated function as the wrapper argument and the arguments to wraps() as the remaining arguments. Default arguments are as for update_wrapper(). This is a convenience function to simplify applying partial() to update_wrapper().