Live Hand-Eye Evaluation¶
The algorithm performs an evaluation of hand-eye calibration
Two live tracking streams
The algorithm takes two live tracking streams and evaluates the hand-eye calibration. The content of the stream matrices should be specified in Stream1 and Stream2 comboboxes and the calibration type in the Calibration Type combobox. Refer to the documentation of the hand-eye calibration for the terminology.
The hand-eye calibration should be set through the transformation dialog and the Set Calibration button or loaded as a .csv file with the Load Calibration button. The expected matrix should be a transformation from camera (moving CS) to hand in case of Eye In Hand
and a transformation from base to camera (fixed CS) in case of Eye On Base
The results of the evaluation are displayed in Resulting Error group box. The transformation dialog there displays the difference between the very first and the current matrix:
hand T base * cam T hand * calib T cam for Eye In Hand
hand T calib * base T cam * hand T base for Eye On Base
This matrix should remain constant, and therefore in ideal case the transformation displayed should be 0.
To reset the very first matrix, one can use the Reset transform button.