Crop Mesh or Point Cloud

The algorithm lets the user crop out a box-shaped region of a mesh or a point cloud or crop away everything outside of the box.


The algorithm takes an arbitrary number of Meshes and Point Clouds.


The input object(s) will be modified in-place with respect to the given parameters.


The algorithm lets the user interactively place a box to crop the objects against. This box is initialized as the bounding box of the scene and can be moved, scaled, or rotated by selecting the mode from the push buttons (Translate, Rotate, Scale) and dragging the respective manipulator axes in the view.

The two checkboxes set different modes for the cropping:

  • Discard data inside box: Toggles whether data inside or outside the specified box is to be cropped away (default is outside).
  • Cap hole (Meshes only): Toggles whether the resulting hole in a mesh is to be filled with the intersection surface of box and mesh.

The cropping is then applied when clicking the Crop button.