Structures View¶
Specialized GUI to browse and configure the visualization of individual segmentations from one or multiple label maps.
The Structures View shows a dedicated user interface for all label maps/segmentations that are currently present in the Data Widget. It is particularly useful if you have multiple individual segmentations in one or many label maps.
When launched, the Structures View displays a flattened list of all “Structures” present in the label maps that are currently available in the Data Widget. In this context, a structure represents single, non-background, segmented label values in a label map. For instance, the above screenshot is based on two label maps where the first holds only one label value for Bone while the second label map holds three different label values for White Matter, Gray Matter, and Vasculature.
The Structures View does not provide any additional functionality for label maps that could not be achieved with the base ImFusion Suite interface or other algorithms. It rather provides a high-level convenience GUI for browsing and visualizing available label maps.
You can configure the following functionality:
- The list view enables you to configure general visibility, label name, transparency, and color of each structure. Furthermore, it shows a visual representation of the segmentation in form of a thumbnail slice.
- Right-clicking on an element of the list opens the context menu for the structure. This menu allows you to edit (Edit Structure) a structure, delete it (Delete Structure), or show selected statistics for it (Show Statistics). Statistics are computed on the fly so this operation will require some time.
- The Create New Label Map button creates a new label map for the selected image in the Data Widget. An error is shown if no image is selected.
- The Detect Structures button will scan all label maps for pixel values of previously undiscovered label values. This can be helpful if some other algorithm created a new segementation in a label map but did not properly configure the display options.
- By default, all label maps will no longer be visible in the Data Widget once the Structures View is open. You can uncheck Hide in DataModel to undo this filtering.
- You can check Use Meshes for Visualization to use a different rendering technique of the segmentations. Mesh-based visualization yields usually a higher-quality result but mesh computation takes time and therefore visualization may not be interactive during editing.
- The Outline Thickness configures the thickness of segementation outlines in 2D/MPR views.
- The Fill Opacity configures the alpha value of segmentations in 2D/MPR values.