Extract Mesh

Runs the Marching Cubes algorithm to extract a mesh from a 3D volume or label map.


A 3D image of any type or a 3D label map.


One or multiple triangular meshes.


This algorithms extracts a mesh from a volume based on its intensities.

If the input volume is a regular image/not a label map use the Iso-Value parameter to specify the cut-off intensity between the inside and outside regions. In this case the Threshold Above Iso-Value flag determines which region will be considered as the mesh interior.

Alternatively, if the input volume has the LABEL modality, you can instead specify a list of label values in the Target Labels parameter. If you leave this empty the algorithm will compute one mesh for each non-background label.

With either option you can specify an optional Smoothing factor to avoid staircase artifacts on the resulting mesh. This parameter describes the half-kernel size of a Gaussian Smoothing that is pre-applied to the input image before running the Marching Cubes algorithm.