Volume Compounding

Compounds the image data from two or more 3D volumes into a single combined volume.


Two or more 3D volumes.


A new volume containing the compounding result.


A new output volume is created with the combined outer bounding box of all the input volumes, and filled with their image intensities considering each of their transformations. Parameters:

  • mode The mean, median or maximum of all the intensities queried at an output voxel location may be used to define the output value.
  • useGPU Enabled by default, executing the compounding in OpenGL. If switched off, the multi-core CPU version allows to compound very large volumes, albeit at significantly slower computation time.
  • useLastAsReference If enabled, the last of the input volumes is not used with its image content, but rather it defines the bounding box and transformation of the output volume (i.e. all voumes but the last are resampled into a volume compatible with the last).
  • weightedMean Only relevant for mean compounding on the GPU - the overlapping intensities are weighted with the distance to each volume center.
  • embedTransformation The output volume is forced to have an identity transformation, i.e. it is enlarged accordingly around the origin.