Basic Processing¶
Selection of basic image processing algorithms.
A single image or volume or a set containing any combination of these types.
If the Create new image flag is enabled the result will be added as new image to the data model. Otherwise, the processing will be performed in-place.
This algorithm bundles a number of basic image processing tasks in one algorithm. The following modes are available:
Bit depth increase
: Only available for unsigned 8bit images. Converts the image to unsigned 16bit. Storage values are upscaled without compensating shift&scale (seeShift & Scale
mode), so the value range is not preserved.Bit depth reduction
: Only available for unsigned 16bit or single precision float images. Converts the image to unsigned 8bit. If Keep original values is enabled and the input is unsigned 16bit, the storage values will not be scaled to the [0,255] range of the new data type, which may result in overflow. For float input the storage range will always be restricted to 8bit, and the value range is preserved by setting appropriate shift and scale parameters (seeShift & Scale
mode).Convert to gray
: Only available for non-grayscale images. Converts the input image to grayscale by averaging the intensities of all channels. If the image has 4 channels and Ignore alpha value is checked, the 4th channel is ignored for this average.Convert to float
: Converts the image to a float representation without normalizing the image intensities.Crop
: Crops the image. If use size and center is enabled, you define the target size in pixels and the center position for the cropping. If the flag is disabled, you define how many pixels to crop from each side. It is also possible to click on the image in the display to specify the cropping region interactively.Flip
: Flips the image along one of the main image axes.Gradation
: Allows for applying a custom intensity gradation curve to change brightness and contrast of the image. You can move the control points of the gradation curve using the right mouse button. Only works with unsigned 8 or 16 Bit images.Histogram equalization
: Performs an automatic intensity histogram equalization to optimize brightness and contrast. Only works with unsigned 8 or 16 Bit images.Brightness Preserving Histogram equalization
: Like regular Histogram Equalization, but avoids overall intensity shifts of the image. Also only works with unsigned 8 or 16 Bit images.Invert
: Inverts the image intensities. If Use image range only is selected, the inversion is performed within the storage range of the image, otherwise the full range of the underlying type is used.Normalize
: Converts the image to a float representation and normalizes the image intensities to a [0, 1] range.Rotate
: Rotates the image along one of the main image axes in 90° angle steps.Shift & Scale
: Change the internal intensity shift and scale values. See the SDK documentation for details about these parameters. Only available for single image, not sets.Thresholding
: Converts the input image to a binary image based on the given threshold values. Intensities matching the selected threshold predicate are converted to 1, all other intensities are converted to 0. For multi channel images this is performed individually on each channel.