Live Hand-Eye Calibration

The algorithm processes a stream of an end effector and a camera for the hand-eye calibration.


  • Live tracking stream of the robot end effector
  • Live tracking stream of the camera with respect to the calibration marker


The transformation matrices are printed in the log output.


The algorithm has two main parts:

  • Samples:
    • Add:
      Acquires a new sample from the streams.
    • Remove last:
      Removes the latest sample from the streams.
    • Load:
      Load previously acquired samples.
    • Save:
      Save previously acquired samples.
  • Calibration:
    • Type:
      Can be Eye in Hand or Eye on Base. Refer to hand-eye calibration for the explanation of these types.
    • Stream 1:
      Relativity of the acquired first stream. If this stream is set to HandToBase or BaseToHand, the other should be set to CalibToCam or CamToCalib.
    • Stream 2:
      Relativity of the acquired second stream. If this stream is set to HandToBase or BaseToHand, the other should be set to CalibToCam or CamToCalib.
    • The button Save allows saving of the calibration (Camera-to-Hand in Eye in Hand case or Base-to-Camera in Eye on Base case).