Mesh Boolean Operations

Performs a boolean operation (i.e. union, difference or intersection) on the input meshes.


Two manifold meshes. If the meshes are open or self-intersecting, the behaviour is undefined.


A new mesh will be created if the Create new mesh check box is enabled. Otherwise, the input mesh selected in the First mesh combobox will be modified.


The algorithm can perform three operations:

  • Union: The result of this operation is mesh1mesh2, i.e. the output contains parts that exist in either mesh
  • Difference: The result of this operation is mesh1 - mesh2, i.e. the output contains only parts that exist in the first mesh but not the second one
  • Intersection: The result of this operation is mesh1mesh2, i.e. the output contains only parts that exist in both meshes

The first mesh (i.e. mesh1) is chosen in the combobox First mesh.

If the Create new mesh check box is enabled, a new mesh will be created. Otherwise, the first mesh mesh1 will be overwritten by the result of the boolean operation. The operation can be undone or redone with the help of buttons Undo and Redo. The modified first mesh can be reset to its initial state via button Reset.