Edit Transformation

Allows to query and edit the global transformation matrix of an image.


The algorithm requires exatly one data object as input. The following data types are supported: Plain image or image sets (e.g. no Ultrasound sweeps), Mesh, Point Cloud, Trees, as wells as both live and recorded Tracking Data (read-only).


The algorithm updates the transformation matrix of the input data.


On launch of the algorithm, the transformation editor will show the current transformation matrix of the input data. Furthermore, it enables the user to edit the transformation matrix in terms of Translation, Rotation, Scaling, and Shearing. The latter two are only availble in affine mode, see the button in the top row.

You can choose between editing the matrix directly or applying a relative transformation by checking the Relative button at the top. By default, editing of scaling and shearing is disable to only allow for rigid transformations. A click on the Set Identity button resets all fields to the identity transformation.

If the selected input data is an image set, you can define the scope of your editings in the Image Set area. The changes can be applied to either all images, only selected images, or the current focus image.

The transformation editor allows to export/import transformation matrices from the operating system’s clipboard. Furthermore, you can manage a list of transformations in the Transformation Stack area that allows you to save and restore transformation matrices. Be aware that this list is deleted as soon as you close the editor window.