Keyboard Shortcuts

In order to make the annotation workflow as efficient as possible, the annotation tab offers several shortcuts.


  • F1, F2, F3, …
    Switch to the first (or second, third, …) annotation mode.
  • 1, 2, 3, …
    Switch to the first (or second, third, …) active label.
  • Alt + 1, Alt + 2, Alt + 3, …
    Switch to the first (or second, third, …) windowing preset.
  • Left, Right
    Load the next (or previous) dataset.
  • R
    Reset all views to make the image fit.
  • C
    For 3D datasets, move the current MPR intersection to the center of the views.
  • L
    Toggle visibility of the label map.
  • Page Up, Page Down
    Move forward/backward in an image set. The step can be configured in the settings.
  • Ctrl + Z
    Undo the last annotation change (brush stroke, algorithm, etc.)
  • Ctrl + Y
    Redo the last annotation change (brush stroke, algorithm, etc.)
  • Shift + Mouse
    Adjust the brightness and contrast of the image.
    Move the mouse left/right to change the level, and up/down to change the window.


  • Ctrl + Mouse Wheel
    Change the size of the brush
  • Alt + Mouse Wheel
    Change the adaptiveness of the brush
  • X
    Disable the brush adaptiveness, as long as the key is pressed.
  • Space
    Toggle the brush. The standard zoom & pan interactions are active until the brush is re-enabled with space.
  • S
    Toggle ‘smoothing’
  • D
    Toggle the ‘2D brush’ mode
  • T
    Toggle the ‘contiguous’ mode
  • N
    Toggle the ‘link 2D views’ mode


  • K
    Shortcut for “Keep Largest Component”.
  • F
    Shortcut for “Fill Holes”.
  • D
    Shortcut for “Dilate”.
  • E
    Shortcut for “Erode”.
  • S
    Shortcut for “Smooth”.
  • I
    Shortcut for “Image-Based Refine”.

Draw Contour

  • Space
    Shortcut for “Draw Contour”.
  • D
    Shortcut for “Discard”.
  • A
    Shortcut for “Accept”.


  • A
    Create a new landmark.
  • Alt + A
    Create a new landmark at slices intersection (only in 3D).

Bounding Boxes

  • A
    Create a new bounding box.